The Taiji Fencing Handbook
Rules & Regulations for Fencing with Tai Chi & Kung Fu Sword Styles
The sport of taiji fencing can be practiced for combat training, competition sword fighting, and casual fencing with friends. No matter your background or level of skill, this handbook will help you get started with your taiji fencing by explaining the rules & regulations for both casual and competitive matches.
In this book, you will learn how points are scored and prevented. You will learn what a fencer needs to participate, how to score points and run matches, & the keys to staying safe while fencing with wooden swords. No matter your background in the sword, this book is the perfect starting place for anyone that wants to start using their kung fu or tai chi sword skills for free fencing.
This book does not teach a specific style or martial art. It is intended for anyone of any style of straight sword to learn the rules of taiji fencing, and be able to join an event or meeting without feeling confused or unsure. Authored by the founder of taiji fencing, Wudang Daoist Swordsman Michael Xia Chongyi has changed the face of Daoist martial arts in the west. With over 30 years of daily training, Xia has spent the last 6 years traveling the world and introducing people of all styles & nationalities to this amazing sport.
- Publication Date
- Apr 21, 2022
- Language
- English
- 9781435777132
- Category
- Sports
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Chongyi Xia
- Format
fencingtaiji fencingtai chitaijiquantai chi swordtaijijianwudangkung fushaolinwu-tangswordsmanshipsword fightingweapons trainingjianwushuswordtaiji swordprincipleskatanahemachinese swordsmanshipjianfajianshuwudang swordwu-tang swordwudangjiantaoisttaoismdaoistdaoismdaotaolaozizhang sanfengzhang san fengxingyixingyiquanbaguabaguazhangchinese kung fuwutangwutang swordxia chongyiswordsman xiadaoist sword artsdaoist swordtaichiqigongmeditationalchemy