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Preventing Colic in Horses

Preventing Colic in Horses


ByChristine King

This e-book is a digital reissue of the original text, published in 1999 and now out of print. (Minor edits were made for clarity in 2016). From the 1999 edition: Preventing Colic in Horses is a book for horse owners, trainers, farm/barn managers, veterinary and animal science students — anyone interested in minimizing the incidence and impact of colic in the horses in their care. Written by an experienced equine veterinarian and edited by a renowned equine surgeon with a special interest in the horse's digestive system, the book combines the latest scientific research with practical information you can apply right now. The four chapters cover the following topics: * What is colic? * Risk factors for colic * Strategies for preventing colic * Managing colic (preventing disasters) From the Editor — "As you read this book you will begin to understand why colic develops, and you will begin to develop your own answers as to how to prevent colic in your horses. All of this information was previously available in the veterinary literature, but it has been buried in a great many scientific publications not readily understood by the horse-owning public. Dr King has done a remarkable job of condensing this information in the context of common sense and practicality."


Publication Date
Aug 7, 2022
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Christine King



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