CODEPINK Women for Peace presents "Peace Never Tasted So Sweet" a
cookbook of women’s delicious recipes for a sweeter world (with action
‘how-tos’ and a few cookies thrown in for good measure)! This cookbook
has sweet, savory, classic, raw & vegan pies submitted from women
around the world who work for peace, harmony and justice in their
communities. Doesn't everyone deserve a piece of peace pie? Let's
redirect our nation's resources into positive, life-affirming
activities; let's gather, connect (and bake) to start this peaceful
revolution for a truly sweeter world. //www.codepink.org// Ebook version available at http://bit.ly/peacesosweet
- Publication Date
- May 4, 2010
- Language
- English
- Category
- Cookbooks
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): CODEPINK Women for Peace
- Format