Magical Magnet {U WRITE} - A Blank Book For Diaries, Dreams, Journals, Haikus, Memories, Synchronicities, Lyrics, Paranormal Experiences, Stories, Lists, Poetry, Screenplays, Characters, Funny Vocabulary, Predictions, etc
Blank Pages For Imagination To Run Free And Wild by CEC and Vince Hickey
Usually printed in 3 - 5 business days
"Magical Magnet {U WRITE}" is an all blank book for unique imaginations. It is made for spilling unapologetic fully committed writings upon. It's for journaling, diaries, dreams, synchronicities, lists, math equations, vocabulary words, playwriting, screenwriting, poetry, philosophy, music lyrics, haiku, predictions, memoirs, channeled messages, UFO sightings, funny dialogue, paranormal experiences, fringe theories, characters/titles/songs, rare happenings, and anything else you can imagine! This book is a portal in magnetizing astounding ideas and U are the only one who gives them permission to land. By saying "Yes" to the ideas, this collection will serve U in amazingly unexpected ways!
- Publication Date
- Oct 16, 2021
- Language
- English
- 9781458314703
- Category
- Art & Photography
- Copyright
- Creative Commons NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)
- Contributors
- By (author): Curt Clendenin, Edited by: Vince Hickey, Other primary creator: CEC
- Pages
- 163
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
blank bookcurt clendenincecdreamsjournaldiarychildren's bookfiction writingmemoirscreative writingscreenwritingplaywritingauthorsvince hickeycecartistmusic lyricscomposerscomedyfunny wordsvocabularyautomatic writingghost storiesufo sightingsplaywriterswonder wandermagical magnet u writedream catchermath equationstitlesshort storieslife plansaffirmationspositive quotesvocabulary thesauruspenmanshipspelling beeastral projectionchannelingspiritualityufospredictionscryptidsactorsstudentsalphabetshakespearesecret codesspellcastingpsychic