The story is set in the Lake District or Cumbria and is the story of a young boy who embarks on an adventure following an encounter with a "Cumbie" called Hobgrumble. Cumbies are the original inhabitants of the land, a small race, akin to the little folk of Ireland. Essentially the Cumbies have lost a very important artefact, the Knapsack of Vitality. They ask Callum to find it as it has somehow crossed into the world of the humans. He reluctantly agrees and so sets off with the help of two of the Cumbies and his sister Madeline to search for it. He also discovers that the worlds of the Cumbies and humans cross at various points of time and so he finds himself back in the time of Roman Britain and the Wild West of America.
- Publication Date
- May 4, 2011
- Language
- English
- 9781447696049
- Category
- Children's
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Daniel Macnamara
- Format