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Start your own Part-15 License-Free Radio Broadcasting Station!

Start your own Part-15 License-Free Radio Broadcasting Station!

ByDavid C. Wilson

Part-15 Broadcasting is a legal form of low power or micro-power broadcasting on the standard AM and FM broadcast bands which anyone can do without a License! Such legal unlicensed over-the-air broadcasting is permitted in the US under the Part-15 rules both on home made transmitters, and on professionally built transmitters. More and more individuals and community groups have taken advantage of the freedoms afforded to them as Citizens of the United States, and begun broadcasting to their neighborhoods. Some broadcast for profit, some for their beliefs or causes, but most are doing it simply for the pleasure of doing it. It is a fascinating hobby for the experimental broadcaster and electronics enthusiast alike. Legal Part-15 broadcasting can be used to promote a local business, a local political event, religious & church, on a school campus, charity, or for community activities, and even to sell a home. This book will show you how to do it on even a very small budget!


Publication Date
Sep 30, 2011
Crafts & Hobbies
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): David C. Wilson



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