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Marching to Zion

Marching to Zion

ByDean Summers

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In the Christian Standard (March 15, 2009), Dr. LeRoy Lawson writes, “I smiled all the way through Dean Summers’s book of sermons. Dean speaks the truth quietly, reflectively, compassionately.” Commenting on the importance of sound Bible interpretation in preaching, Dr. Lawson adds, “It’s the practice that makes Dean Summers’s sermons so refreshing.” You will find Dean quoting Bart Simpson as well as Jacques Ellul. You will find him referring to Martin Buber as well as Tony Soprano. He has a special regard for E. Stanley Jones, Clarence Jordan, and Carl Ketcherside. It may well be that as you read Marching to Zion in your favorite chair, cozy and warm, the Holy Spirit will bang on your door, barge in, and whisk you off on an adventure! But, be thou not afraid! This is not a book about religion. This is a book about Jesus, which is to say it is a book about life and love. For a lot of people, religion is what you do to get God off your back. Jesus doesn’t have anything to say about that.


Publication Date
Dec 15, 2008
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Dean Summers


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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