Message In A Bottle - A poor and lonely Victorian woman eking out her living in Brighton by making seashell jewelry finds a message in a bottle on the beach and vows to find the man who wrote it.
The Transformation Of Lizzie - A former prostitute from London decides to pass herself off as an upper class woman on the voyage to America, and then in her new life in New York. The only problem is, she thinks she was recognized by one of her former clients.
The Sunken Ships In San Francisco Bay - A woman living in the Klondike Territory decides to head down to San Francisco after getting an apparently legitimate treasure map from a local character, and when she determines that her theoretical claim is legitimate, she runs into a charming but shady character laying claim to the very same piece of real estate, which happens to lie under the cold waters of the bay.
- Publication Date
- Dec 9, 2015
- Language
- English
- 9781329748569
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Doreen Milstead
- Format