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The Day of Visitation

The Day of Visitation

ByDoug RiggsJohn Mark

The Day of Visitation This is not your run-of-the-mill rock-you-to-sleep bible lesson - but a terrific revelation and explanation of what is coming and how to prepare for it. The "Day of Visitation" is like a two-edged sword: for some, a great and long awaited blessing and vindication; for others, a potentially fatal and tragic judgment resulting in eternal loss of the inheritance and blessing God intended all of us to receive. "God has a plan at the end of this age for the church, called the 'day of visitation'. It has never happened in history - and that 'day of visitation' coincides with the final phase of the church age when it's very dark - the morning star, which comes at the end of a very long night - means the church is going to pass through its greatest suffering - its greatest tribulation prior to "the Great Tribulation" which is going to come upon Israel and the Nations ... So the church must pass through a time of darkness leading up to and preparing a way for the 'man of sin' to be revealed." "Once a person sees this eschatological framework, you have a solid grounding in where you are in history; you have a clear understanding of God's purpose and end-time plan for Israel and the Nations which comes after this - but God's whole purpose of bringing the church to completion - bringing the church 'to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ' (Eph. 4:13) - Christ being fully formed in His people (Gal. 4:19) - this is the key, because Christ in His people is the revelation of His glory. The church is the chosen instrument to reveal the glory of the Messiah (2 Thess. 2:14; Col. 3:4; 2 Thess. 4:10). When He comes, 'He will come to be glorified in His saints.'" "With all the confusion that is out there, and fear of believers going through the time of antichrist - I do not see that at all in the scripture - but that does not mean that the church is not going to pass through a time of great suffering - that is a part of the 'day of visitation.'"


Publication Date
Mar 20, 2022
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Doug Riggs, Compiled by: John Mark



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