We may gradually and systematically achieve our spiritual development each month through the Art of Ascendancy, the Chardi Kala. Thus, for one month to the next until this spiritual journey completes its yearly cycle in the cyclic way that is also the re-cyclic processes of the universe. This is enriched by reinforcements of our age, experience and cosmic rhythm going on our Earth yearly, as long as we live. The re-cyclic process is applied to the conversion of thought into action and learning from the actions to ascend towards refined thoughts and ideal actions. The Philosophy of Religion, the Metaphysics in particular and the Eastern or Indian Philosophy in general, greatly gives the metaphysical meanings, effects and influences of transition of the Sun through twelve signs of the zodiac. We consider this aspect, the Chardi Kala as described in the Gurbani of Sikhism, as the Lessons for Twelve Mystic Months in two Ragas by Guru Nanak and Guru Arjan as the Ascending Journey of Soul.
- Publication Date
- Apr 16, 2009
- Language
- English
- 9780557063703
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Dr. H. Singh
- Pages
- 124
- Binding Type
- Hardcover Linen Wrap
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)