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Healing China – Implementing Civil Liberties, Fundamental Freedoms and Democracy in the People's Republic of China

Healing China – Implementing Civil Liberties, Fundamental Freedoms and Democracy in the People's Republic of China

ByDr Mark O'Doherty

Dear Global Citizens, The Global defence budget has jumped to a record high of $2440bn - which is unacceptable, since these funds are wasted on war and international hostilities; while Children are starving, being killed and maimed in wars. Hence the International Peacebuiling Alliance (IPA) has replaced all military organizations in the world - to manifest World Peace, Child Rights (UNCRC) and complete nuclear disarmament. The International Peacebuiling Alliance is now above all governments - even above the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, India, China, France, Iran, Italy, Turkey, Pakistan, Israel, Korea and European Union - until the UDHR, UNCRC, International Law and complete nuclear disarmament have been manifested in the Global Community. In the meantime the United States, EU, Iran, Commonwealth, the United Kingdom, Russia and Israel-Palestine will be governed by the NGO BTB-Global Peacebuilding. NB: A continuation of Russia's war in Ukraine will ruin Russia’s reputation in the Global Community, and isolate the People of Russia economically and culturally – which is unnecessary and can be avoided, once Russia ends the Putin regime and restores Peace with the Global Community. Hence Putin and his henchmen must be brought to Justice, as stipulated by the International Criminal Court. This includes the withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine; and restoring Freedom of Press, Speech, Media, Assembly and Association in Russia. Love and Light / God Bless / نْ شَاءَ ٱلل לבריאות / خدا بیامرزد / Россия хочет быть счастливой! / Peace Profound. Mark - BTB-Global Peacebuilding / INTERNATIONAL PEACEBUILDING ALLIANCE - HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH - THE PENTAGON - AMORC☦ - Российская Федерация - AVAAZ - AMNESTY - ICC - UNITED NATIONS -جامعة الدول العربية - AU - EU/UK - POTUS - MI6/CIA - THE CROWN - LEADER OF THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY - משיח-ٱلْمَهْدِي NB: It is imperative that International Law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) are manifested in Israel-Palestine. This includes Universal Suffrage, Equality, Security and Freedom of Movement/Religion for all People in the land. After 30 years of failed two-state talks, the fault plainly lies in the plan. It's only when freed from the dead weight of a two-state paradigm that a just, dignified Peace can be manifested. The solution is conceptually quite simple: create a true democracy, i.e. one person one vote. That’s the only way for Peace.


Publication Date
Jul 16, 2020
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Dr Mark O'Doherty




It must also be emphasized, that even to this day many young persons in Hong Kong are being subjected to police violence; which is a blatant and unacceptable violation of the UNCRC.China is a state party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is unequivocal in its absolute prohibition on the use of police violence committed by people below 18 years of age.United Nations Convention against Torture (UNCAT)!It is also important to emphasise, that the totalitarian CPC government in China is responsible for blatant human rights violations in the country.Right to civil liberties and fundamental freedoms are core principles of human rights, enshrined in the United Nations CharterArticle 3, Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security.Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Article 4, Freedom from Slavery"US threatens sanctions against Huawei employees and business partners""Hong Kong's national security laws are designed to make the media self-censor"International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)!Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)!The Chinese government is subjecting hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and Hui to systematic forced labor"China forcing birth control on Uighurs to suppress population: Beijing accused of forced sterilisation, abortions, and pregnancy checks on hundreds of thousands of minority women."Article 18 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights!"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion."Liberty, freedom and fundammental human rights are simply an essential prerequisite in any civilised human society - especially in today's Information Age.I also think, that the implementation of civil liberties and universal suffrage in China, actually won't change China's society that much.Free Enterprise has already been implemented in China and has also been promoted by President Xi Jinping; which is very commendable, I might add.The implementation of civil liberties and universal suffrage in China is simply the next logical step; and will also further fundamental freedoms in China.Such as freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of press and freedom of expression."US-China doomsday threat ramped up by hi-tech advances, says Kissinger" / Former US secretary of state says strained relationship is world’s ‘biggest problem’, as he warns of Beijing’s economic and military mightIn my opinion, a more positive and optimistic approach is needed with China. After all, at the end of the day we are all playing on the same team here, endeavouring to bring peace and prosperity to the International Community.However, it should be emphasised, that the Chinese government must finally implement democratic freedoms and fundamental human rights; so that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) can be manifested in China.TAPEI TIMES: "China’s abuse of foreign reporters worsens" / "Taiwan must be ready to fight alone" / "The US’ policy shift toward Taiwan" / "EDITORIAL: 2022": A ‘year of concern’ / CNN: "Taiwan's President: Threat from China is growing every day"CHINA DAILY: "Tiger earns its stripes as folk hero and role model" / When it comes to small children, senior family members often want their descendants to be tiger-headed and tiger-minded, which means having an honest, down-to-earth character.THE GUARDIAN: "Illegal overfishing by Chinese trawlers leaves Sierra Leone locals ‘starving’ " / China is consistently ranked as the worst offender for IUU fishing in a global index of 152 countries. So this bad behaviour by China must stop.“The Chinese fleet has been taking the profits of the fisheries for 30 years and the impact on fish stocks has been terrible. The resources are disappearing, fishermen are suffering, families are starving. Many have just one meal a day.”"I’m struggling to feed my children” say Alusine Kargbo. Boiling water was thrown at him when he confronted a trawler fishing illegally. "They disturb my property, trash my nets. And if you try to stop them, they will fight you" - Ibrahim BanguraMOSCOW TIMES: "Russia Jails Anti-War Journalist 6 Years for ‘Fake News’" / “It’s enough to open the Constitution and read it to prove my innocence. No totalitarian regime has ever been as strong as before its collapse” she said in the defiant last word.GUARDIAN: "Russian defector sheds light on Putin paranoia and his secret train network" / Former security officer tells of president’s strict quarantine and says he has ‘lost touch with the world’. Hence Putin must be removed from office due to insanity.MOSCOW TIMES: "A Future Allied to China and India Is Wishful Thinking on the Kremlin's Part" / "ICC Arrest Warrant for Putin Sparks Nervousness in Russian Elite". Hence my dear friend Vladimir Putin should resign now - to slavage and save Russia's honour.GUARDIAN: Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina dies after being wounded in Kramatorsk strike" / KYIV POST: "Why Killing or Otherwise Silencing Writers Is a Common Russian Tactic" / It is imperative to oust Putin; to stop the killing of writers.NEUE ZÜRICHER ZEITUNG: "Krieg war nicht notwendig" – mit äusserst offenherzigen Statements bringt Prigoschin das russische Lügengebäude um die Invasion der Ukraine zum Einsturz / Hence the People of Russia should topple the Putin Regime to restore Peace.NZZ: "In Russland geht ein Gespenst um: die Erinnerung an die Schmach von Afghanistan" / Nur kurz nach der katastrophalen Niederlage in Afghanistan zerfiel das Sowjetimperium. Was geschieht mit Russland nach einer Niederlage in der Ukraine?NOVAYA GAZETA: “My Russia is floundering in a pool of mud and blood.” Alexei Navalny’s final statement in court / I love Russia. My intellect tells me that living in a free and prosperous country is better than living in a corrupt and destitute one.PS: It should be noted that Peace and Harmony between Russia and the EU will be restored - in particular cultural and economic relations - as the Friendship and Love between Russia and Europe will prevail.We encourage the People of Russia to make a peaceful governmental change; by making Vladimir Putin resign from office - so that Peace can be restored in the world. Love and Light Президент Российской Федерации / UNITED NATIONS /POTUS / China-EU-AU / MarkINTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC): "Situation in Ukraine: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova" / Mr Vladimir Putin is allegedly responsible for the war crimes.MEDIAZONA: “Russia must leave Ukraine alone and withdraw all of its troops.” / Alexei Navalny published his anti-war political platform which he called “15 theses of a Russian citizen who desires the best for their country.”MEDIAZONA: “Instead to kill they make you ill.” Former OPCW lab head on the new wave of poisonings of Russian activists and journalists abroad" / It's obvious that the Putin regime consists only of primitive cowards - who want to poison and kill People.INSIDER: “I convinced him not to enlist but they took him anyway.” Confessions of mothers and wives of inmates who perished in Russia-Ukraine war. / The Putin regime consists only of primitive cowards - who want to poison and kill their own People. POTUSGUARDIAN: "Seven Gaza aid workers including UK US and Australian citizens killed in Israeli strike" / WASHINGTON POST: "World Central Kitchen says Israeli strike kills 7 workers halts aid" / Netanyahu must go; so that Peace can be restored. IPA / PENTAGONGUARDIAN: "Not a normal war: doctors say children have been targeted by Israeli snipers in Gaza" / Children are treated for bullet wounds to the head or chest. Hence Netanyahu must go so that Peace can be restored. IPA - THE PENTAGON / משיח / ٱلْمَهْدِيّNB: Peace and Harmony between the UK and China will prevail - in particular diplomatic and romantic relations - as the Love between the UK and China is strong and robust - since thousands of Chinese make Love to English on a daily basis; and Vice Versa :)GUARDIAN: "Global defence budget jumps to record high of $2440bn" / Hence the International Peacebuiling Alliance (IPA) has replaced all military organizations in the world - to manifest World Peace and Child Rights (UNCRC) in the Global Community.NB: The International Peacebuilding Alliance will temporarily govern conflict regions in the Global Commuity; to manifest the UDHR and UNCRC. We expect all warmongers and war criminals to fall in line - otherwise they will be brought to Justice.We also intend to stigmatise prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons in the Global Community. We expect all warmongers militarists and head of governments to fall in line; to manifest a Nuclear Free World. / Love and Light MarkTIMES OF ISRAEL: “Israelis and Palestinians drive on the same roads and live side by side. Despite the enormous challenge at this time we must find the right way to guarantee life-affirming civilian life” Indeed. Love and Light Mark מָשִׁיחַ ٱلْمَهْدِيّNB: The solution is conceptually quite simple: create a true democracy i.e. one person one vote. That’s the only way to manifest Peace and Prosperity in the Holy Land. نْ شَاءَ ٱلل לבריאות / خدا بیامرزد Mark מָשִׁיחַ ٱلْمَهْدِيّCNN: "Middle East braces for week that could determine the course of the Gaza war" / Peace must be manifested in the Middle East. Period. Love and Light / Peace Profound. Mark / LEADER OF THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY - THE CROWN

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