Healing the Faculty of Law - Upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the United Kingdom
Dear All,
The Pandora papers data leak has highlighted the predatory practices of the world’s political and financial elites – enriching themselves by looting the public purse, or exploiting laws which they themselves helped to establish.
About $3.6tn of the proceeds from bribery, embezzlement, money laundering, tax evasion and cronyism are laundered each year, undermining the social fabric of nations across the globe. Tax avoidance, bribery, corruption, money-laundering and a lack of transparency are being increasingly exposed in the UK and the International Community.
The Panama papers, the Paradise papers, the HSBC leaks, the Jersey leaks, the FinCEN files, the Bahamas leaks and others have provided abundant evidence of dodgy financial dealings. The UK finance industry – aided by armies of accountants, lawyers and finance experts – is central to this trade, yet little has changed since those first revelations emerged.
The UK government has been protecting individuals, including dead ones, connected with al-Qaida, Saudi intelligence, royal families in the Middle East, smuggling, murder, financial crimes and other nefarious practices.
The UK remains a favourite destination for dirty money because the political and regulatory system is ineffective; since UK law enforcement agencies have been captured by corrupt corporations - or so it seems.
As indicated by the revelations of the Pandora papers, if unchecked, inequalities between rich and poor states will increase as poverty rises in developing countries.
This in turn will lead to a flood of economic migration from the poor to the rich states - a brain drain - causing further economic and social instability across the globe; threatening to destroy the social fabric of the world.
It is imperative that the Global Community - in particular the Judicial Community - brings corrupt and criminal individuals in the finance industry to Justice; so that Rule of Law and Equality can be manifested.
NB: As Leader of the Global Community we order a Ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages.
This includes the arrest of war criminals Benjamin NETANYAHU, Yahya SINWAR, Vladimir PUTIN, Sergei SHOIGU, Valery GERASIMOV; as stipulated by the International Criminal Court.
- Publication Date
- Oct 6, 2021
- Language
- English
- 9781387402656
- Category
- Law
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Dr Mark O'Doherty
- Format
“Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.” - Martin Luther King"To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity." – Nelson Mandela"Our abiding commitment to the rule of law is the very bedrock of our civilization. It is through law-governed liberty that mankind has been able to achieve so much." – Margaret Thatcher"If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time-a tremendous whack." —Winston Churchill"True patriotism doesn't exclude an understanding of the patriotism of others." - Queen Elizabeth II“There can be no freedom for Africa without justice; and no justice without declaring war on Africa’s poverty, disease and famine with as much vehemence as we remove the tyrant and the terrorist.” — Tony Blair"I want to see an open and tolerant society here in the United Kingdom, I want to see a country that works for everyone whatever their background." - Theresa May“I’m afraid Sadiq Khan is completely wrong. The European Court of Justice is the supreme legal authority in our country.” — Boris Johnson"In questions of international law we should not depart from any settled decisions, nor lay down any doctrine inconsistent with them." William Wood"Governments always tend to want not really a free press but a managed or well-conducted one." - Lord RadcliffeHealing the United Kingdom - Restoring Rule of Law, Justice and Honour in the United Kingdom"Too big to jail: why the crackdowns on dodgy finance have been so ineffective" / Despite so many government promises, we’ve ended up with inadequate laws and toothless regulation. The Pandora papers show why urgent action is needed"Trashing the planet and hiding the money isn’t a perversion of capitalism. It is capitalism" / Exploiting people, exploiting land, and keeping its ugly side secret. Its historical effects are all too recognisable in the Pandora papers nowThe Washington Post: "The Pandora Papers' political fallout grows" / Moscow Times: "Pandora Papers Name Alleged Offshore Beneficiaries with Putin Links" / "Russia Says Pandora Leaks Expose U.S. as Offshore Haven""The Pandora papers have exposed the ‘for sale’ sign hanging over Britain" / The UK property market is being abused to the tune of billions of pounds by those wishing to hide wealth or launder moneyAljazeera: "Explainer: What are the Pandora Papers?" / Leaked files from 14 offshore service providers tie more than 330 public officials, including 35 world leaders, to offshore fortunes."Pandora Papers expose wealth of Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s allies" / Revelations name more than 700 Pakistani citizens, including ministers, Khan’s political allies and families of military officers."Who has been named in the Pandora Papers?" / Some of those named after secret files were leaked to a consortium of journalists that revealed offshore deals.FAZ: "Tony Blair in Erklärungsnot" / Als britischer Premier kritisierte er gern Steuerschlupflöcher, doch Tony Blair hat offenbar selbst von einem profitiert. Auch für Prominente wie Claudia Schiffer und Ringo Starr bergen die Pandora Papers Enthüllungen"Offshore-Geschäfte von zahlreichen Politikern enthüllt" / Die Britischen Jungferninseln – ein Steuerparadies / Die „Pandora Papers“ beinhalten knapp zwölf Millionen Dokumente zu Geschäften in Steueroasen. Betroffen sind 330 Politiker aus der ganzen Welt.Die Presse: ""Pandora Papers" bringen Luxus-Immo-Deals des serbischen Finanzministers ans Licht" / Kronenzeitung: "Pandora Papers“ / Versteckte Milliarden sorgen für AufregungHenley & Partners / The Guardian: "Revealed: residency loophole in Malta’s cash-for-passports scheme" - Leaked files show applicants leave homes empty for most of year while claiming ‘genuine link’ to EU countryHealing the United Arab Emirates - Protecting and Safeguarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the United Arab Emirates and the Emirate of Dubai"Dubai ruler hacked ex-wife using NSO Pegasus spyware, high court judge finds" / Sheikh Mohammed used spyware on Princess Haya and five associates in unlawful abuse of power, judge rulesThe International Community is advised to keep a safe distance from Dubai's ruler, Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum, until these human rights issues have been resolved and the government of the United Arab Emirates has agreed to evolve and improve itself.In the meantime, domestic policy, foreign policy and human rights issues concerning the United Arab Emirates (UAE) - in particular the Emirate of Dubai - will be handled by the NGO BTB-Global Peacebuilding.Healing China - Protecting and Safeguarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in China"Biden and Xi discuss Taiwan amid spike in cross-strait tensions" / Call follows unprecedented Chinese air incursions and as Taiwan says relations at their worst in 40 years."Taiwan president warns of ‘catastrophic consequences’ if island falls to China" / Tsai Ing-wen says Taiwan will ‘do whatever it takes to defend itself’ against an increasingly assertive Beijing"Australia warns China against ‘threat or use of force’ following Taiwan air incursions" / Canberra weighs into dispute saying it wants ‘an Indo-Pacific region that is secure, prosperous and based on the rule of law’"The US must avoid war with China over Taiwan at all costs" / The prevailing mood among Washington insiders is to fight if China attempts to conquer Taiwan. That would be a mistake.South China Morning Post: "China’s population crisis is here to stay, but is Beijing doing enough to limit the fallout?"The global population has grown from 1 billion in 1800 to 7.8 billion in 2020, and estimates have put the total population at 11.2 billion by 2100 - with China having currently the world's largest population of 1.4 billion people.Many nations with rapid population growth have low standards of living, whereas many nations with low rates of population growth have high standards of living.So it is very important that inequality, overpopulation and forced displacement are counteracted and prevented in the world by advocating population moderation and family planning.Also, a mind-set change is required concerning the ethics of procreation – not only by religious leaders, but also by politicians and economists in countries with a very high population.This applies very much to countries such as China - how a reduction of population in society can be transformed into an asset; such as a greater harmony and social cohesion in society, due to less competition for resources, jobs and living space.Also - according to the author - many legal professionals in the UK increasingly become pawns for unethical political parties; i.e. promoting negative policies; such as cronyism, corruption and classism in the International Community :)GUARDIAN: "The killing of Joanna Simpson: she was bludgeoned and buried by her husband. Why is he being set free?" Hence we are advocating an automatic 25-year tariff for domestic homicides – to counteract domestic violence and femicide.The International Community - in particular the UK - must implement the necessary laws to prevent domestic homicides and empower victims of domestic abuse and violence - so that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) can be protected.GUARDIAN: "I’m scared of the police: Met report unearths misogyny homophobia and racism" / CNN: "London’s Metropolitan Police lets predators flourish review concludes" / BBC: Met Police institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic"GUARDIAN: "Metropolitan police | UK news" / "The coronation arrests are just the start. Police can do what they want to us now". Hence the UK Police and Mi5 will have to improve. Otherwise the Crown will reform the entire system.It is also imperative that the Judicial System and UK Law Enforcement Management imposes mandatory Psychotherapy and Human Rights Education on officers who exhibit unethical behaviour poor judgment and psychological problems.The UK - in particular London - is also a very close-knit society with People inevitably getting on each other's nerves. Also a lot of emotional bagage has accumulated throughout London's history. Hence the Met Police is in need of Systemic Psychotherapy.NB: It's imperative that the UK government ends its policy of illiberalism and bondage; and implements a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) to counteract socioeconomic inequalities and economic dictatorship - and to prevent burnout and suicide of Medics.ARAB NEWS: "Copies of Qur’an burnt in front of Egyptian Turkish embassies in Denmark" / "Saudi Cabinet renews condemnation of Qur’an burnings in Sweden, Denmark" / The Kingdom reiterated its strong condemnation of Qur’an burnings in Sweden and Denmark.ALARABIYA NEWS: "Swedish police grant permit for Quran burning protest outside Stockholm mosque" / CNN: "Turkey condemns Quran burning protest in Stockholm as a heinous act"/ Hence these Quran burnings must stop. POTUS - THE CROWNGUARDIAN: "Global defence budget jumps to record high of $2440bn" / Hence the International Peacebuiling Alliance (IPA) has replaced all military organizations in the world - to manifest World Peace and Child Rights (UNCRC) in the Global Community.NB: As Leader of the Global Community we order a Ceasefire in Gaza and the arrest of war criminals Benjamin NETANYAHU Yahya SINWAR Vladimir PUTIN, Sergei SHOIGU, Valery GERASIMOV; as stipulated by the International Criminal Court (ICC).GUARDIAN: "Prisons ready for thuggish criminals says home secretary after riots target mosques and hotels housing asylum seekers" / It is imperative that thuggish criminals are brought to Justice to restore Rule of Law and the UDHR. / MI5 - THE CROWN