The word ‘slum’ has a slangy connotation in British society from where this word is thought to be originated. In the eastern end of London, this word means ‘room,’ and it evolved over time to mean ‘back slum’ giving the sense of ‘back allay, street of poor people’ (Etymological Dictionary). The Slum is variously named, often interchangeably used, in different parts of the globe viz. shanty town, favela, rookery, gecekondu, skid row, barrio, ghetto, bidonville, taudis, bandas de miseria, barrio marginal, morro, loteamento, barraca, musseque, tugurio, solares, mudun safi, karyan, medina achouaia, brarek, ishash, galoos, tanake, baladi, trushebi, chalis, katras, zopadpattis, bustee, estero, looban, dagatan, umjondolo, watta, udukku, and chereka bete (UN-Habitat, 2003). Below are some of the definitions of slum given by some eminent social scientists working in the field of slums.
- Publication Date
- Nov 12, 2020
- Language
- English
- 9781716436994
- Category
- Education & Language
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Dr. Virender Singh
- Format