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The Memory of Health

The Memory of Health

ByEdie Summers

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What is your journey to well-being? Do you suffer from health issues or a chronic condition? Do you have M.E., CFS, or chronic fatigue? Is stress affecting your well-being? Do you have chronic fatigue or a chronic condition? Are you are seeking answers? If you have chronic fatigue for any reason (M.E., CFS, burnout, another chronic condition, on-going stress, trauma, etc.) check this book out! "The Memory of Health" is a memoir and a guide to living well. It is also a comprehensive resource on chronic fatigue, possible solutions, and on how self-care and lifestyle medicine may help you. What makes you thrive, even in the face of great odds? What makes you come alive? At the age of 22, Edie developed chronic fatigue after having surgery for a ski accident. While physical therapy was helpful, she had to seek alternative treatment to regain full use of her knee. In the course of seeking answers to her health challenges, she discovered the power of mindful living and became a conscious consumer. Whether you like mainstream, alternative, or integrative medicine as your solution for health and well-being, be conscious of the choices you make, because they matter. #cfs #chronicfatigue #chronicillness #booksonhealth #M.E. #booksonfatigue #booksonchronicfatigue #howtogetmoreenergy #adrenalinsufficiency #burnout #trauma #energy #moreenergy #theoriesofcfs #theoriesofchronicfatigue #howtoimprovenenergylevels


Publication Date
Feb 26, 2016
Health & Fitness
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Edie Summers


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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