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Stories from the Heart

Stories from the Heart

ByEdward E. Smith

I’ll be the first to admit I’m no writer but I have jotted down just a few stories as seen in the eyes of a little boy growing up on a farm during the depression and the recovery years. I tried to capture the humor and funny stories along with ones that depict the hard times. These combined, rounded out a happy childhood for me. We were so fortunate to be living on a far. We were like everyone else, we had no money, patches on our britches but there never was a day we didn’t have plenty to eat. I grew up fast and I learned that curiosity is fuel for the soul. I learned to be responsible for my own actions, sometimes paying for the wrong decision. I was taught, if you do a job it’s worth doing right. I learned not to take something that didn’t belong to me. I learned to accept success with dignity and failure was not an option. They say that all the above develops character. Papa called it “grit”.


Publication Date
Sep 30, 2011
Biographies & Memoirs
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Edward E. Smith



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