Everybody does it; everybody has to do it; everybody has to live through it. Whether you’re born of wealth or into poverty, you cannot avoid it! Work, as in going to work, that’s it. Work, it’s the crux of the matter for those who live on Earth. Today, most toil at jobs in modern office buildings with computers and gadgets to process and transmit digitized information. Who do we work for? In one way or another, for major corporations that control all. We workers are specs in the system. Our lives are consumed in that system. That’s why we need to take a closer at what the job means. Who is your boss? Who are your co-workers? How do you fit in? What is the significance for you? How does it all relate? The poetry collection explores this world from a personal angle. Hopefully, it will help you reflect. That is the goal anyway.
- Publication Date
- Mar 18, 2014
- Language
- English
- 9781304950864
- Category
- Poetry
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Elias Sassoon
- Format