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Seduction of the Soldier

Seduction of the Soldier

ByElizabeth Moult

Usually printed in 3 - 5 business days
In 1998, Saddam Hussein, the leader of Iraq was once again defying United Nations Weapons Inspectors the opportunity to do their jobs. He wasn't living up to the agreement he'd made with the United Nations after the first Gulf War. In this fictional suspense, a group of North American volunteers decide to take matters into their hands. They find themselves in Iraq during Operation Desert Fox, a bombing campaign by American and British war planes in an effort to reduce Iraq's weapon making capabilities. Melissa, The American President's girlfriend, is working at the American Embassy in Iraq. She solicits the help of American female soldiers in a mission of friendly negotiations with their leader. After the mission is over, Jasmine and Melissa return home and start a war of their own; persuading politicians to make environmental changes. If you have ever wondered why the Americans had to go to Iraq, read this novel and you will probably find your answer.


Publication Date
Oct 10, 2007
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Elizabeth Moult


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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