High school counselor Terri Parker is burned out with her job. She needs a tougher assignment that will test her skills and prepare her for those cases that she has not yet encountered, but fears she will be unprepared to handle. A friend has told her about a camp for last chance teenager called 'Camp Sunrise'. Her new job is everything Terri could wish for, but her new boss has his doubts about her. No one with her background can handle the ruggedness of camp life. Michael Braden tries to persuade her to go back home and when that fails reluctantly agrees to let her tag along on a 'trial run'. To his surprise, she can more than keep up and her insight is phenomenal As Terri works with the teenagers to solve their problems, Michael realizes she is the best counselor he has ever worked with and suddenly can't see his future without her. Terri is attracted to Michael, more than she wants to admit, but why would a man like him want anything to do with someone like her
- Publication Date
- Apr 9, 2011
- Language
- English
- 9781257488711
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Eva O'Connor
- Format