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Theology Library, Volume 1

Theology Library, Volume 1

Introduction to Theology

ByFr. Antonin Marcel Henry, O.P.Christian B. Wagner

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Catholic laymen, particularly those involved in Catholic Action movements, are asking for a religious formation which will equip them for the task of bridging the gap between religion and life. A richer understanding of religious truths is needed in the apostolate than that which is gotten from a simple catechism instruction. A laity which is growing into adulthood in the life of the Church needs theology. It needs a diet of religious truths commensurate with its new responsibilities. In surveying the field, we find Latin manuals available for seminary training in theology. We find that professional theological works are scarcely within the competence—or even within the handy reach —of the great majority of those searching for theological formation. And we find that textbooks used in colleges and universities are elementary. Between the simplified textbook and the systematized theological manuals used in seminaries, there is a wide gap. The Theology Library is an effort to fill the gap. The plan of the work is drawn from St. Thomas Aquinas, as Fr. A. M. Henry, O.P., who is the architect of this monumental theological synthesis, declares: “From St. Thomas we draw the plan and the inspiration, which is an intellectual thing. But taking this for granted, each contributor has tried to rethink the questions and to present them under a form and in terms, nay, even in categories, which are accessible to the modern reader.” To whom, then, is The Theology Library addressed? The Theology Library should be a Godsend to those of the laity who, for apostolic reasons or for professional reasons, wish to discover a systematic theology but without the benefit of formal training in theology. There are a great many men and women in the professions who are seeking Christian answers to the problems of life, of man, of the universe. Only Revelation, presented in a systematized way, with all the elaboration with which Revelation has been enriched by the divinely guided Church, can serve that end. Even without formal teaching, theology can thus become the possession of every informed Catholic. It is sincerely hoped that even our Protestant brethren will learn to appreciate Catholic doctrine through this dynamic presentation of the Church’s beliefs. In conclusion, it is hoped that The Theology Library be a guide, a teacher in the best sense of the word.


Publication Date
May 24, 2023
Religion & Spirituality
No Known Copyright (Public Domain)
By (author): Fr. Antonin Marcel Henry, O.P., Edited by: Christian B. Wagner


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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