"The Enchanted Odyssey of Lumaria" is a captivating fantasy adventure set on the distant planet of Lumaria, inhabited by the luminescent Lumarian race. The story follows Luminara, Zephyrion, Sylvanara, and Phosphor as they embark on a quest to prevent an impending darkness foretold by an ancient prophecy. Along their journey through floating islands, crystal caves, and mystical forests, the Lumarian champions face challenges, solve riddles, and form alliances with Lumarian tribes. United by a shared purpose, they race against time to gather sacred artifacts and ultimately save Lumaria from the encroaching cosmic event. The tale unfolds with a rich tapestry of magic, friendship, and the resilience of Lumaria against the forces of darkness.
- Publication Date
- Jan 13, 2024
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Frederik E. Feldborg
- Format