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Father Tomor, or Albania according to Jean Brécot

Father Tomor, or Albania according to Jean Brécot

ByGaston Monmousseau

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Father Tomor, or Albania according to Jean Brécot, is the French communist Gaston Monmousseau's book about his trip to Albania in 1956. Under the pen-name Jean Brécot, Monmousseau wrote travel books recounting his visits with the people of China, Albania and various regions of France. Visiting the entire country, both the cities and the countryside, he encapsulates the spirit of a nation working hard to overcome the dark blotches of feudalism, fascism and obscurantism which remained in Albanian society as remnants of the past. This is not a book for those who want to see an ideal utopia portrayed — Monmousseau shows Albania as it was in 1956, living amongst the people and learning from them about their rich culture, and refusing to impose his own values. It shows what a people, determined and free, can accomplish. Even in the 12 years since Liberation, tremendous changes had occurred. In a country where 12 years prior there was no modern working class and the vast masses were subject to an illiterate life toiling for their lord, there had emerged not only modern cities with modern construction projects and modern methods of industry and agriculture, but modern ideas. A full-scale cultural revolution was sweeping Albania, and the sons and daughters of the backward ideals and customs were rapidly being pushed onto the path to progress by the Party of Labour of Albania and the people’s state power. It is a society in transition, a life in transition, and that is something more beautiful than a typified final product. Comrade Enver Hoxha, when he described this book, called it "a very pleasant book about our country by a glorious veteran of communism." Indeed, it is a book for those who love Albania, its history, culture and people, without preconditions or reservations.


Publication Date
Nov 19, 2023
No Known Copyright (Public Domain)
By (author): Gaston Monmousseau


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
Pocket Book (4.25 x 6.875 in / 108 x 175 mm)

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