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PERSPECTIVES : Understanding America Incorporated (37 pages Free Download)

PERSPECTIVES : Understanding America Incorporated (37 pages Free Download)


A long time ago, President Calvin Coolidge had declared that the business of America was business. This Calvinist outlook gave rise to the idea of America Incorporated. Therefore, America will be better understood domestically and in the international arena if she is pictured as a syndicate of business corporations in pursuit of world domination. Meanwhile, American business corporations already wield a lot of influence in the global arena. Many American business corporations have become politically more powerful than small nations within Latin America. The industrial corporation is also the most revered political entity within the American democracy. Capitalism has had many variants, but the Anglo Saxon variety of American Capitalism has a very unique characteristic. American Capitalism was never principally contrived to create a prospering middle class or provide robust social safety nets. On the other hand, the fundamental objective of American Capitalism was to help create a nourishing environment for talented entrepreneurs who wished to build big businesses with a global outreach. However, this refreshingly outstanding neoliberal Anglo Saxon American ideal of encouraging entrepreneurs to build industrially advanced societies was never articulately communicated to mainstream societies. Another equally refreshing economic ideal of allowing financial syndicates in Wall Street to climb up to the top of the food chain was also never explicitly communicated to mainstream citizenry. This explains why there is a troubling cultural disconnect between Ivy League educated policy makers in Washington DC, and poorly informed mainstream voters stranded in a different epoch. Meanwhile, mainstream American voters preoccupied with doctrinal issues have been relegated to second tier status while a hegemony of the industrial corporations has come into formation. This is the political impact of the Industrial Revolution. Nevertheless, this fascinating American construct of nurturing industrial syndicates calls for an entirely new medley of political philosophies that are not forthcoming from traditional academic districts. In fact, many academicians teaching political theory remain intellectually stranded in the pre-industrial epoch. Fortunately, handbooks promoted by the Global Corporate Economic Forum set out to explain Anglo Saxon American Capitalism in granular detail. This ought to help move economic thinking in a new direction even within Communist run states.


Publication Date
Nov 2, 2022
Business & Economics
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
Compiled by: GCEF



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