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Excel for home use

Excel for home use

ByGheorghe Ciubuc

The current crisis and needs have urged us, I mean me – Gicu, Tinu, Marinica and Costica to join our efforts and resources to print out this booklet.Of our kind we are all married and we have fathered a lot of children, men with worries weighing heavily on us, but we meet conspiringly (actually we take some sort of refuge), periodically (almost once a month), at one of us – who needs help to repair something at home or to move some heavy furniture in the house.After long meetings of “pushing furniture”, we are glad to announce that we have found out the Excel solution to some things that may be of benefit to our peers and their children:1)carefully calculate the money you need for shopping at the market / hypermarket;2)determine the necessary materials (and much more) and the cost to renovate the house;3) making an inventory of the family-owned books, CD / DVDs etc.4) carefully manage the income and family expenses.


Publication Date
Jun 10, 2013
Computers & Technology
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Gheorghe Ciubuc



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