FRANK HENDERSON struggles with the onset of dementia as memories of the war, and especially memories of the girl he loved and the German officer who caused her death course through his mind.
As he works to repair the big sailboat his old war buddy, Mario Sisconi left him, Frank believes he sees the German officer in question entering the harbor at Charlotte Amalie.
This story will carry you through the mountains of Yugoslavia, where Frank served with the Mihailovich underground during the war. It will introduce you to Myeshka (Mesha) Yolanda Covanich, a young freedom fighter who deserves your honor and respect. You will become acquainted with Heinrich Peeler, former assistant director of the German Schutzstaffel, who amused himself by
- Publication Date
- Jul 17, 2010
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- Format