The Seventh Angel has sounded his trumpet already, that the mystery of GOD is finished! (Revelations 10.7)
Now is the time for the "camp of the Saints of GOD" to come out from the false teachings of their churches (Mystery Babylon the Great)to gather, believe and fulfill for the installation of the Government of GOD here on earth. Otherwise, great calamities, turmoils, tribulations, etc. shall be experienced by all nations.
This is one of the main revealed messages of the Little Book: The Sound of the Seventh Trumpet. Here, man shall know the TRUTH of all the mysteries of the Holy Scriptures; i.e. GOD, angels, man, creation, government of GOD on earth, great harvest, reincarnation, etc.
- Publication Date
- Sep 30, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- Format