Ben Carmen lives a normal life, goes to the International School in Berlin, has friends, and is a big outdoors man. His early life consists of living with his mother and father as a normal family. They were visiting Berlin from America, because Dr. Carmen pursued a secret project.
Then he went missing. After that, bad luck strikes Earth. The UN begins to separate into different factions after hostilities with the space colonies (formed around 2050) grew. A scientist suggests two things: abandon the colonies or create clones as slaves. As he was nearly arrested, he vowed vengeance, and he set off to create something bigger, something only Ben, who turns out to be someone with special powers, can stop. But Dr. Lancer was ready...
Will the upcoming war be mankind's last journey on Earth? Or will Ben use his powers to stop the threats?
- Publication Date
- Sep 29, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Jack Laborde
- Format