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Cute Little Hand Grenade

Cute Little Hand Grenade

An addictive psychological crime series

ByJadella Gold

Explicit Content
DON’T PULL THAT PIN! VICKY STERLING had been born into a world that didn’t want her, so it was imperative that she stayed one step ahead of the brutality that is her world if she has any chance of survival. Vicky was a product of abandonment and betrayal and had openly accepted it. Stripped of any self-worth that she may have had, she sinks into an existence of prostitution, sexual exploitation, and eventually, that grows into a fascination for sadism. Vicky has a son, Simon, the other half of her heart, and the only reason she is still living. She vowed the day her little miracle was born that she would protect him with her life, and to ensure that he has everything his heart ever desires, and she did. But one fateful day her neighbour attacks her son. The pin had finally been pulled and the aftermath would be devastating… CUTE LITTLE HAND GRENADE IS A POWERFUL READ, A PSYCHOLOGICAL ACCOUNT OF REAL LIFE THAT IS GENERALLY NOT SPOKEN OF...


Publication Date
Feb 18, 2021
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Jadella Gold



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