In a world where humans struggle against the growing population of a violent race of demons, an elite group of warriors known as the Demon-Hunters of the Compass struggles to tip the balance. Together they struggle against the merciless demons ever seen in the darkest, foulest places of The Land. Many of them have dark pasts that will have to be faced in order to fight on, led by the hopes of a vague Prophecy. And more than one will fall in what will become the deciding battle to who will survive: the demons or the humans.
Demon-Hunters of the Compass
Demon-Hunters of the Darkness
Demon-Hunters of the Land
- Publication Date
- Oct 1, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): James Fluker
- Format