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A Trip Around the Sun - Season 3 & 4

A Trip Around the Sun - Season 3 & 4

ByJanet H. Anderson

Here is Book 2 in the travel adventure series called "A Trip Around the Sun". It's another excited trip that will bring you to more exotic places like Myanmar, Thailand, Borneo, India and Brunei. You'll be introduced to interesting locals - an expert on reincarnation, an astrologer, the Chai Guy, a man in New-Balance sneakers who pretends to be your guide. You'll take a clandestine late-night trip to meet a bride-to be, take a coffin boat to the outlying villages of Borne, play Indiana Jones and fly to caves set deep in Borneo's Jungle Highlands. Ever wanted to ride a buy a camel in India? or see a tiger in the wild? How about taking a horse cart through the ruins of Bagan? or get seriously confused tried to mail a package from the Old Delhi GPO? It's all here in this second book from the series "A Trip Around the Sun".


Publication Date
Dec 26, 2011
Travel & Adventure
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Janet H. Anderson



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