Surimposium is a theory of complex reality. It does not seek to shake up existing paradigms, even when they are contradictory. It places them in levels of reality of relative independence. The task is then to link them with a metaprincipe keeping everything monistic. From this principle, Surimposium establishes a continuity of information levels from hardware to virtual. Their staged complexity continues into the processing depth of neural networks. A stack of layers of information that I call "surimposed" mimics other parts of the complex dimension to build a representation. Subject and model have their own reality. Shift is the root of intention.
With Surimposium, scientific readers can grasp their own way of seeing reality, instead of just being that way. Philosophers confirms their conviction that phenomena are as real as their ontology. True monism is to unify the real and the virtual.
- Publication Date
- Nov 25, 2021
- Language
- English
- 9781794774896
- Category
- Science & Medicine
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Jean-Pierre Legros
- Pages
- 642
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm)
systemconsciousnesscomplexityepistemologyontologyuniversalclassificationrealismdualismmonismstructuralismreductionismeliminativismtimelanguagemathematicsquantuminformationindividuationholismmindmodelneuronbrainobservationtheory of theoriesinteractionrepresentationabstractionerrororderdisordercertaintyuncertaintycommunicationprobabilityorganizationself-organizationautopoiesissystemicconceptmatteremergencechancecausalityentropyenergyattractorchaoscontinuity