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English Technology in the Classroom ESL 2

English Technology in the Classroom ESL 2

ByJeanne Turco

English Technology in the Classroom ESL 2 has easy to use audio visuals, with keynote presentations, and awesome phenomenal pictures of Nashville, Tennessee. This pre-intermediate ESL book will take you on a whirl wind tour of the Country Music Capitol of the world complete with photos of downtown Nashville, the AT&T "Batman Tower," and the famous "Purple Orchid," where the Queen of Country Loretta Lynn sang for the first time after she "hit it big." This interactive book is phenomenal for in-class or out of class English study which is capable of working alone, with a friend, or in a group with the ability to be able to read while in Zoom or other learning platforms. It's so much fun that even the kids will want to learn!~ This book is so cool, that it even has interactive skills that include games with music. Life is more fun when you're playing games and learning.


Publication Date
Sep 30, 2021
Education & Language
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Jeanne Turco



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