Any teacher has the ability to be outstanding with the right knowledge and knowing their craft. An outstanding teacher is rarely forgotten and can touch the lives of thousands of young people during their career. Being an Outstanding teacher is all about having learners whom you give a keenness and commitment to succeed and ability to grasp opportunities to extend and improve their own learning. This book covers in a simple format the steps to becoming outstanding, the role of a teacher, lesson observations including OFSTED, what is an outstanding lesson?, devise and create an outstanding lesson, barriers to learning, learning styles, child protection as well as some helpful resources and tips throughout the book to aid an outstanding lesson. Everything you need to become outstanding and support your existing excellence. The book will benefit those looking towards a career in teaching, NQTs and even the more experienced professionals wanting some teaching tips to unlock and motivate young minds.
- Publication Date
- Dec 13, 2011
- Language
- English
- 9781471009440
- Category
- Education & Language
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Jeremy Green
- Format