Ram Slade, Shamus is set in the year 1944 and centers on Ram's secretary, Luv, who quits working for him after five years. Her faked suicide and eventual disappearance has Ram chasing into the strange happenings. He follows leads where nothing it's supposed to be and no one's who they are supposed to be. Layne Fuentes, a homicide detective is also looking for Luv. Everything that makes a hard-boiled detective story workable is in Ram Slade, Shamus. Beautiful women, gun molls, street weasels and hoods of all kind. Each layer of evidence Ram uncovers only leads to more mystery and confusion. Bea, his new secretary makes for more turmoil within Ram's thoughts, plus Mandy, a gangster's wife who wants him to hide her from her husband. In desperation Ram turns to an influential ex-client of his who owes him a favor to find Luv.
A page turner is Ram Slade, Shamus . . .
- Publication Date
- Oct 2, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Jerry Pat Bolton
- Format