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The Case For Eternal Life

The Case For Eternal Life

ByJimmie L. Chapman

Everyone is interested in the subject of life after death. Is death the end of the road for us as many people believe? Or do we continue to live in a state of existence where we are aware and perceptive of our surroundings? Many people, who claim no religious beliefs, still have the hope of some kind of afterlife existence. Among the many religions of the world, the belief is almost universal that an existence beyond this life in some form or another is possible. The Christian religion is the only religion that gives hope of an eternal life where the soul and body live on in a glorified state; with the Creator and under his loving care. The Holy Bible reveals some wonderfully intriguing and little known facts about life. Everyone needs to know what the Christian faith has to offer and compare it with other religions. This book makes no comparisons but it does reveal some very interesting details about life that are found in the Scriptures; details that every Christian should know.


Publication Date
Sep 28, 2011
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Jimmie L. Chapman



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