In the year 3162 a mining company settled Mars. They established a city and four outposts, two in the north and two in the south. All went well until a war over contracts with the city broke out between the north and south.
Women blamed men for the war. Soon, a few women organised a revolution during which they defeated the men. But the new female leadership were just as power hungry as their male predecessors. The war machine often opened its eager eyes. New organisations formed with their own ideologies. None tolerated the believes of the other.
This book is full of brutal catfights, lesbian sex, war and politics.
- Publication Date
- Feb 17, 2021
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Joe Smith
- Pages
- 208
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)