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TV nutritional promotion in New Zealand (February-March)

TV nutritional promotion in New Zealand (February-March)

ByJose D. Pérezgonzález

PÉREZGONZÁLEZ Jose D (2007). TV nutritional promotion in New Zealand (February-March). The Balanced Nutrition Index (BNI), 2007, issue 1. ISSN:1177-8849. This issue of the BNI™ is a supporting document for a research on health promotion. Part of the research is concerned with the nutritional climate portrayed in television in NZ during February and March 2007. Such climate is based on the BNI™ of the food products advertised times the frequency of advertising. This issue presents content analyses for food products (other than meals and alcoholic drinks) advertised in NZ during that period. Consequently, food products pertaining to diverse categories are included together, such as ingredients, basic food products and finalised food products. The most important property of the BNI™ is that it provides a single value to represent how balanced a food product is. This both reduces cognitive workload for the consumer and helps compare products more easily.


Publication Date
Nov 3, 2011
Health & Fitness
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Jose D. Pérezgonzález



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