"Doubletime" is an occult thriller based in Pacific Grove, California. In this work of historical fiction, the Feast of Lanterns provides the backdrop of an ever-growing mystery, a secret society, and their purposes long hidden from the town.
It is Pacific Grove and its private holiday like you've never seen, and as the book says, "mysterious things, hidden in plain view.." The main characters, Aries, Nadia, and Gabe, are drawn quickly and deeply into the unfolding plot, realizing that years of preparation by an ancient society are rapidly approaching a fateful moment involving the whole town.
Readers can actually walk to the many sites mentioned, and see for themselves that the sites, with their mysteries revealed, actually exist. Besides being a good and fast-paced read, the story weaves history and metaphysics into a compelling fabric of occult danger. For those who think they know Pacific Grove, 'Doubletime' is a must read for the sheer 'Could it be? quality of the story.
- Publication Date
- May 2, 2011
- Language
- English
- 9781257649334
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Julian Collingwood
- Format