We have heard many accounts and versions of creation. Our scientists speculated that there was a big bang, and out of that, the Milky Way galaxy was formed. The bible tells us another story, that God created the world in seven days and all life came into existence by the spoken word of God. On Thursday June 7, 2012 at about 9 a.m, I Ken Nunoo had a direct conversation with EL SHADDAI (GOD ALMIGHTY), who was one of the creators of our universe and created human beings on earth. El Shaddai gave me another version of the creation theory and his version is more or less a combination of what our scientists have speculated and parts of the Genesis theory.
On this morning day of June 7, 2012, before me on the table is the SEAL OF THE MYSTICAL ORDER OF KABBALISTS, drawn on a white handkerhief, which is a version of the SIXTH PENTACLE OF THE SUN, from the KEY OF SOLOMON. Upon the seal of the Mystical Order of Kabbalists are seven cowry shells through whose mouth the GOD will speak.
- Publication Date
- Jun 7, 2012
- Language
- English
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Ken Nunoo
- Format