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Managing Remote Teams

Managing Remote Teams

How to achieve together, when everybody is working from home

ByLukasz (Luke) Szyrmer

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This book will help you and your team of knowledge workers transition to a remote-only team format. By focusing on systematic re-alignment and patterns from flourishing remote companies. At all levels. Consider this book a permission slip. Muscling your way through what you'd originally planned will only get you more stuck. Your previous assumptions may imprison you, if you aren't methodical. If you need to, let yourself and your team off the hook. Reassess your strategic plan and budget. Because honestly, that will be the fastest path to thriving in a crisis. Instead, position your team for maximum productivity. Figure out the best way to spend your time together, now that everything has changed. Take into account all the details you are aware of. Clarify what needs to happen. Earn buy-in. And make it all happen. Together. In this book, you will learn: * Why you need to realign your teams when shifting to remote only * How to track productivity in real-time using an operational heartbeat * How to run successful meetings, ones where you arrive at good decisions quickly * Why obsessing with Gantt charts blinds you to true progress, and what to do instead * Why you can often fix erratic behavior with a structural issue that's hidden in plain sight * Why remote work requires a different work breakdown than what's acceptable in person * Why remote management problems stem from differences of opinion about one specific topic * Why working harder, harder, and harder when going remote becomes a trap * How to reduce the number of meetings everyone attends while increasing team productivity * How to maximize team buy-in to the company's strategy * How to shift your culture to one of greater accountability, respect, and inclusion All without hiring, firing, or late night phone calls with HR at headquarters. Alignment is the key to keeping your sanity when things are moving a million miles an hour. If you are doing exactly what you should be, you are patient, clear, and productive. You naturally get into flow. You know what to say and do at any given moment. You achieve effortlessly. Your mindset spills over to a team level even during a crisis. You coordinate and communicate to achieve something meaningful.


Publication Date
Sep 9, 2022
Business & Economics
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Lukasz (Luke) Szyrmer


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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