Around 3000 daily life sentences | the most common words: after, against, all, around, away, back, before, bring, back, call, carry, come, continue, down, ever, fall, give, go, hold, into, just, keep, lead, leave, let, lie/lay, like, look, make, name, once, off, on, out, over, pull, push, put, remain, run, set, since, stand, take, through, throw, turn, up, upon, way | sample this: around -- flames flared around the stage. Aromas swirled around the room. Blue papers cut in rough triangles struck around the camp. He went around the lake in a motor boat. Houses, cars tossed around like toys. The dark or brown puffs of clouds were scattered around in the sky. They drove around in the city. Reporters rallied around her. Reporters struck around. I have spun around 360 degrees. They later went around damaging property.
- Publication Date
- Apr 22, 2014
- Language
- English
- 9781312090224
- Category
- Education & Language
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Manik Joshi
- Format
sentence using wordscommon english usagestudy englishlearn english fluentlypopular english usageimprove spoken englishlearn english quicklytop english usagehow learn englishenglish common wordslearn writing englishgeneral englishenglish around the worldhow to speak betterhow to speak and write correctlyhow to learn a foreign languageenglish at worklanguage experience approachspeak english nowfluent englishhow to learn faster and betterhow to speak englishhow to speak in publichow to speak like ameicanlanguage learninghow to learn languagelearn speaking englishenglish as foreign languagewords usagespeak english welluseful english usagespeak native englishgeneral english usage