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Maintenance Mechanic Chemical Plant

Maintenance Mechanic Chemical Plant

Objective Question Answers

ByManoj Dole

Maintenance Mechanic is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Maintenance Mechanic (Chemical Plant). It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers, basics of electricity, test the cable and measure the electrical parameter, filling adjoining sides/surfaces maintain the right angle between the sides. Making the job on the step fitting (male & female), drill holes, countersinking, Counter boring, tapping and dieing of BSW and metric threads of various sizes, pipe butt joint-D & pipe T-Joint-D, Welding all types joints on sheet,3mm,4mm,6mm, corrosion of metals, volumetric analysis, first aid, firefighting equipment’s and hydrant system. Filling for smoothness of machined surface and cutting, threading, bending and fitting of pipes as per drawing. Dismantling, overhauling and assembling of different type of pump such as positive displacement pumps (reciprocation pumps & gear pump, plunger pump). Oil seals, bearing pullers, calliper and try square. Marking out for slotting, cutting slots and grooves, cylindrical cutters and side & face cutters, PVC welding process. Making head vs. capacity curve for centrifugal and gear pumps. Practice on hammer mill, ball mill and Blake jaw crusher, multi-stage compressor, belt, bucket, screw & pneumatic conveyor and lots more.


Publication Date
Oct 27, 2020
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Manoj Dole



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