Healing Russia - Protecting and Safeguarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the Russian Federation
Dear All,
First and foremost we are Global Citizens, and should treat each other with respect and coexist in Peace.
In the words of a great gentleman, Arthur Wellesley: "Next to a battle lost, the greatest misery is a battle gained."
This applies very much to Putin's illegal war on Ukraine.
Until the Putin regime ends, we are giving the Green Light to Ukraine to destroy military targets that are responsible for the killings of Children and Civilians.
To restore Peace with Ukraine, the People of Russia must end the Putin regime.
Once Putin has been replaced with a decent leader, we will support Peace Talks between Russia and Ukraine.
Putin's illegal war on Ukraine has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths on both sides; which is unacceptable and must end.
It should be noted that the borders of both Ukraine and Russia have been internationally recognized and defined in 1991; with Russia's President Boris Yeltsin recognizing Ukraine's independence.
Hence Russia should honour this agreement.
Although Russia is a technologically advanced country, in other areas Russia is far behind - such as Human Rights, Ethics, Civil Rights and Happiness - which are the pillars of our Global Community.
The Putin regime has ruthlessly crushed all genuine opposition; by killing Alexei Navalny, Boris Nemtsov, Anna Politkovskaya and many others.
Putin is also responsible for war crimes against fellow Global Citizens in Ukraine.
Hence the International Peacebuilding Alliance will govern Russia, until Human Rights (UDHR) and Peace have been manifested, including an end to corruption and electoral fraud.
PS: Due to unethical conduct, we advise GRU Director Mr. Igor Kostyukov to tender his resignation.
Failue to comply will not be well received, and could result in his arrest which we would like to avoid.
Peace Profound / Love and Light / God Bless / Россия хочет быть счастливой!
NB: The NGO BTB-Global Peacebuildings aims to manifest Peace in the Global Community and eliminate nuclear weapons.
The International Peacebuiling Alliance is now above all other governments - even above the US, UK, Russia, India, China and EU - so that the UDHR, International Law and complete nuclear disarmament can be manifested in the Global Community.
- Publication Date
- Jan 25, 2021
- Language
- English
- 9781716188855
- Category
- Law
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Mark O'Doherty
- Format
"Protests for Jailed Kremlin Critic Navalny Sweep Russia" / Police clash with demonstrators in major cities and detain more than 2,000.NBC News: "Thousands detained in protests across Russia backed by Kremlin foe Navalny" / Navalny called on his supporters to protest when he returned to Moscow from Germany after being poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent"Russian police detain over 3,000 amid protests over Navalny jailing" / Kremlin foe had called on supporters to demonstrate after arrest on return from Germany"Russia downplays Navalny protests as it dismisses US 'diktats' " / Despite 3,500 arrests and reports of violence, Moscow insists few people turned outThe NGO BTB-Global Peacebuilding, the European Union, the United Nations and human rights groups have condemned what they called the disproportionate use of force by police on Saturday and opposition activists say their protest was peaceful.Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United NationsArticle 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiersArticle 20: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.Article 21: Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.Article 30: Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.A video investigation released after Navalny’s arrest in which he accuses President Vladimir Putin of using fraudulently obtained funds to build a $1.35 billion “palace” on Russia’s Black Sea coast seemed to have struck a chord with some protesters.“I am against corruption in our country. I don’t like low salaries, low pensions, the fact that the government is stealing and then lying to us”“We have to come out here and protest peacefully, because there is no other way to make your voice heard in Russia right now.”“We didn’t come out for Alexei Navalny, we came out because we live in a regime where a person can be jailed for no reason”“I felt scared to come out today, but it’s much scarier to live under this regime and government”“Russia is one of the richest countries in the world, we have a lot of natural resources. But ordinary people can’t profit from it, only Putin and his friends can”"Larry King, famed cable news interviewer, dies aged 87" / Broadcaster and celebrity interviewer had been hospitalized in Los Angeles with symptoms of coronavirus“We mourn the passing of our colleague Larry King. His curiosity about the world propelled his award-winning career in broadcasting, but it was his generosity of spirit that drew the world to him."'Simplicity worked for me', says Larry King in 2014 interview / I actually agree with that. A simply, direct and short approach is also my preferred method when it comes to addressing the challenges of out time :)"Israel predicts rise in anti-Semitism, as virus-related hate is spread online"Hence the International Community - such as the EU, the US and the United Kingdom - must make a greater effort to counteract and prevent antisemitism in the International Community.SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST: "EU parliament president David Sassoli dead at 65" / The Italian former journalist had been president of the 705-seat European Parliament since 2019.FRANCE 24: "EU parliament president David Sassoli dies in Italian hospital" / The 65-year-old Italian had been seriously ill in hospital for more than two weeks due to a dysfunction of his immune system.THE GUARDIAN: "David Sassoli, European parliament president, dies aged 65" / Tributes paid to senior EU figure who died early on Tuesday at a hospital in Italy.We are deeply saddened by the death of a great European and Italian. Sassoli was a passionate journalist, an extraordinary president of the European parliament. Our thoughts go out to his family. Rest in peace, dear David.CNN: "Russia's richest businessman tells Putin: Don't take us back to 1917" / FRANCE 24: " 'We fight for democratic values. We need help,' says Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko" / ALARABIYA NEWS: "Russian forces shell mosque in Mariupol"Also, the peaceful transfer of power is part of a civilised and cultivated society. So perhaps Vladimir Putin's closest friends - such as Valery Gerasimov, Dmitry Peskov and Sergei Shoigu - can encourage Vladimir Putin to resign with dignity and grace.CNN: "Achilles heel: Putin faces growing problem at home" / CNN reports on the similarities between Russia's war in Ukraine and its ill-fated invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s / "Questions swirl over whereabouts of Russia's defense minister"HEUTE: "Völlig aufgedunsener Putin sorgt für Spekulationen" / Schon seit Kriegsbeginn wird über den Gesundheitszustand des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin gemunkelt. Geht es nach den Spekulationen ist der Präsident schwer krank.GUARDIAN: "Russia using cluster bombs to kill Ukrainian civilians" / "Zelenskiy says Russia rejected a proposed Easter truce, but remains hopeful of prospects for peace, as Moscow faces accusations of war crimes in Mariupol."THE MOSCOW TIMES: "Siberian Scientist Dies in Custody After Treason Arrest – Reports" / WIENER ZEITUNG: "Elvira Nabiullina, Gouverneurin der russischen Notenbank, stabilisierte mit einer Reihe von geldpoltischen Maßnahmen den sinkenden Rubel."DAILY STAR: "Vladimir Putin may be dead with body double taking his place, MI6 bosses claim" / GRAVITAS: "MI6 makes a wild claim, says Putin could be dead."The Kremlin - in particular PM Mikhail Mishustin, Viktoria Abramchenko, Tatyana Golikova , Yury Trutnev and Dmitry Grigorenko - need to make a greater effort to restore Peace between Russia and Ukraine and remove Putin.MOSCOW TIMES: "What the Death of Valery Rubakov Can Teach Russia's Scientific Community" / “He always remained a free person. The source of this freedom was that his main interest in life was science rather than status.""When your position and your value in your own eyes depends solely on your character then you have something that cannot be taken away and this is a powerful source of inner freedom”.MOSCOW TIMES: "Report Details How Authorities Shame Intimidate Anti-War Russians" / Russian security agents have stepped up the humiliation and intimidation of anti-war activists to suppress dissent among the wider public.MOSCOW TIMES: "The Torture of Isolation: Inside the Russian Prison Housing U.S. Journalist Evan Gershkovich" / GUARDIAN: "The press is in peril. Here’s how to save it" / Hence Russia should honour Press Freedom and release all Journalists."Ukraine has right to strike targets in Russia" / The right to self defense also includes the right to hit legitimate, military targets on the territory of the attacking party, the aggressor, in this case Russia. IPA☦ / THE PENTAGONIt should also be noted that the borders of both Ukraine and Russia have been internationally recognized and defined in 1991 - with Russia's First President Boris Yeltsin recognizing Ukraine's independence. Hence Russia should honour this agreement.INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC): "Situation in Ukraine: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova". Hence Putin must be brought to Justice for war crimes. / Российская ФедерацияNB: We offer an Amnesty to collaborateurs of the Putin regime if they contribute to end the corrupt Putin regime - to prevent further loss of Life and to restore International Law the UDHR and Freedom of Speech. Президент Российской ФедерацииMOSCOW TIMES: "Ukraine Says Hit Su-57 Fighter Jet Inside Russia" / The Su-57 is a great Russian achievement; like the US F-35 Lightning II. But once we manifest World Peace these aircrafts will be redundant. IPA//Президент Российской Федерации/POTUSUNITED NATIONS / Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."GUARDIAN: "Global defence budget jumps to record high of $2440bn" / Hence the International Peacebuiling Alliance (IPA) has replaced all military organizations in the world - to manifest World Peace and Child Rights (UNCRC) in the Global Community.NB: We order the Russian Armed Forces to end the Putin regime and bring evildoers to Justice; so that Peace Human Rights and International Law can be restored. Love and Light M. / IPA - Российская Федерация - AMORC☦ - ICC - EU/UK - GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOODMEDIAZONA: “Russia must leave Ukraine alone and withdraw all of its troops.” / Alexei Navalny published his anti-war political platform which he called “15 theses of a Russian citizen who desires the best for their country.”PS: Unwilling to uphold Freedom of Press and Speech Karl Nehammer and Werner Kogler have succumbed to the Putin regime, blocking funds that rightfully belong to us. Because they are afraid that Putin will take them out if they support World Peace :)FRANCE 24: "Humanity not sympathy: How Ukraine treats Russian POWs in its 'exchange fund' " / Hence it is imperative that the Putin regime ends and that Russia and Ukraine make Peace - so that all POWs can go home to their loved ones.NB: Mechanical problems at our apartment are escalating; probably a case of SABOTAGE. Undercover agents posing as inspectors and handymen are causing mayhem. Our washing machine is also broken now; smoking like hell and almost causing a fire :(NB: To de-escalate things and improve international relations we advise Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) and Werner Kogler (GRÜNE) to provide us with an Income and a House in Vienna; so that we can conduct our work undisturbed and efficiently. EU/UK - MI6/CIA