Healing the English Republic – Manifesting Democracy, Equality and a Basic Income Guarantee in the Republic of England, Scotland and Ireland
REGARDING: It is imperative to implement Independence Referendums in Scotland, Canada, Australia and Ireland; since British Imperialism is a thing of the past, and being part of the UK and Commonwealth can only be on a voluntary basis.
Dear All,
We wish to inform the Global Community that the UK has made the transition from a monarchy into a Republic; namely the Republic of England, Scotland and Ireland.
We emphasize that this step was taken independently of the failures of Westminster – such as corruption, disinformation, incompetence and inequality in the UK; including Child Abuse, Poverty, Racism, Femicide and Plutocracy.
The reason why the UK is developing into a Republic is simple: At some point we all have to evolve.
It’s just the way of things.
Furthermore, the necessary laws to prevent domestic abuse and homicides must be implemented; to protect the UDHR, UNCRC and empower women.
As a gesture of goodwill we will grant the English Upper Class the privilege to retain their titles – such as Sir, Lord, Duke etc. – provided they pledge their allegiance to the Republic.
To conclude the Declaration of the Republic we wish to emphasize that England is a very tight-knit society, where People inevitably get on each other's nerves.
Also, a lot of emotional baggage has accumulated throughout England's history.
Hence the UK government must improve funding and quality for NHS Healthcare; to prevent crime, violence, poverty, alienation and ill health.
It is imperative to manifest Love, Light, Healing and Equality in England!
Hence we will govern the UK until Human Rights (UDHR), Child Rights (UNCRC), Equality, Environmental Protection and a Universal Basic Income (UBI) have been manifested.
NB: As Leader of the Global Community we order the arrest of Benjamin NETANYAHU and Vladimir PUTIN; as stipulated by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and a Ceasefire in Gaza and Ukraine.
Love and Light / manaaki te atua / Dia dhaoibh Dia dhuit / Россия хочет быть счастливой! / Peace Profound.
Mark, Kate, Keir, Alan, Susan, Roy, Rebecca, Tony, Tess, Liz, John, Richard, Ken, Jason, Rachel, Toby, Oona, Liam, Scott, Mel, Hugh, Charles III.
PS: We order MI5, MI6 and the CIA to convince hostile individuals not to harass journalists; so that they can work in Peace.
- Publication Date
- Jun 23, 2023
- Language
- English
- 9781447548027
- Category
- Law
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Mark O'Doherty
- Format
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." — Plato“Light will win over darkness.” — Volodymyr Zelensky“I do not want my picture in your offices. The president is not an icon an idol or a portrait. Hang your kids’ photos instead, and look at them each time you are making a decision.” — Volodymyr ZelenskyPS: It is imperative to implement the Independence Referendums in Scotland, New Zealand, Canada, Australia and Ireland – since British Imperialism is a thing of the past – and being part of the UK and Commonwealth can only be on a voluntary basis.HEALING AMERICA - RESTORING RULE OF LAW AND DEMOCRACY IN THE UNITES STATES OF AMERICAWASHINGTON POST: "Welcome to the Supreme Court where corruption has no meaning" / The latest scandal, as reported by ProPublica, involves Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. and a luxury fishing trip he took to Alaska. So this is very disappointing :(The public is left to watch in disgust, with each new story showing that at least some justices think it’s their right to be wined and dined by billionaires.These corrupt justices then issue rulings making it easier for relationships between public officials and wealthy donors to flourish.“The hallmark of a democratic society is for the public to have trust in their institutions. When you start to chip away at what corruption means; then you chip away at public trust.”"To the Supreme Court corruption means less and less. But the rest of Americans know what it is. They’re looking right at it"CNN: "Obama warns democratic institutions are ‘creaky’ but Trump’s indictment is proof rule of law still exists in US" / “I do believe that democracy will win if we fight for it”. True words indeed. Good to see Barack back in action :)GUARDIAN: "India secretly works to preserve reputation after ‘flawed democracy’ rating" / CNN: "Biden makes trade-offs and Modi steps out of his comfort zone during elaborate state visit at White House" / So we are very disappointed with Mr. Modi :(He’s cracked down on dissent targeted journalists and introduced policies that human rights groups say discriminate against Muslims.Hence it is imperative that Narendra Modi and his government restore Democracy and Liberty in India - in particular Freedom of Press, Religion, Media and Speech. Period. / POTUS - Mark / BTB-Global Peacebuilding. God Bless India.PREVENTING ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ADDICTION: Although drugs and alcohol will not be prohibited we encourage the English not to indulge excessively in drugs - and to take it easy when it comes to the consumption of beer, brandy, whiskey, wine and Gin.Although we are not encouraging drug consumption we are advocating a regulated legalization of cocaine and club drugs, to finally stop the global illicit trade of drugs - which are subject to a failed drug prohibition policy, which is clearly not working.GUARDIAN: "The truth about booze: how alcohol really affects your body from first flush of happiness to hangover hell" / It should be noted that once you become an alcoholic you're always an alcoholic. So it's best to refain from alocohol altogether :)PS: Gin was the favorite drink of English women in the middle ages; because gin made them feel like beautiful genies :) In fact my good old girl Lucy, from MI6, also enjoys a sip of Gin from time to time :)BBC: "All five people on Titan sub dead after catastrophic implosion" / We’re heartbroken for the families friends and colleagues of those who were lost. Their memories will be a blessing and will continue to inspire us in the name of exploration.Hence it is very important that all parties concerned learn from this horrific tragedy. Experts should also be consulted to improve safety measures of deep-ocean exploration; as well as improving rescue missions of lost submersibles.CNN: "Putin ‘living in a parallel reality’ after near collapse" / MEDIAZONA: "Conscience and courage. This year’s Boris Nemtsov Award honours five Russian political prisoners who have spoken out against war" / Indeed. Peace must be restored."We can see what happens when political posturing replaces public health: people die prematurely" / "Here’s the truth about Sunak’s plans for the North Sea: he will sell out the planet to the dirtiest bidders" / Hence we must fix the system - THE CROWNPS: Being currently both the Acting President of Russia and England we will implement a fusion between MI6 and the GRU/SVR – as well as MI5 and FSB – so that we can all be one happy family and manifest Peace and ProsperityGUARDIAN: "You may have been poisoned: how an independent Russian journalist became a target" / My reporting on the invasion of Ukraine led to an assassination order being issued – and then came the mysterious illness.It should also be noted that the borders of both Ukraine and Russia have been internationally recognized and defined in 1991 - with Russia's First President Boris Yeltsin recognizing Ukraine's independence. Hence Russia should honour this agreement.GUARDIAN: "Putin has a ‘factchecking’ operation and so do other dictators – but they use them to twist the truth" / NB: For the Putin regime this is all just a game - they don't care how many People and Children they kill. Hence the Putin regime must end.“You can’t run away from the fact that crime across the country is far too high. You can pick and choose the numbers you want but it’s a fact that people feel scared." Hence Westminster must improve funding and quality for NHS Mental Healthcare. THE CROWNAs Leader of the UK we order MI5 and MI6 to make a greater effort to protect English wannabe politicians from honeytraps; to prevent the poor English elite from descending into sex- and drug orgies. THE CROWN - MarkPeace on Earth is Possible. Let’s give it a try :) / “Peace is a daily a weekly a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.” - John F. KennedyGUARDIAN: "Global defence budget jumps to record high of $2440bn" / Hence the International Peacebuiling Alliance (IPA) has replaced all military organizations in the world - to manifest World Peace and Child Rights (UNCRC) in the Global Community.NB: The International Peacebuilding Alliance will temporarily govern conflict regions in the Global Commuity; to manifest the UDHR and UNCRC. We expect all warmongers and war criminals to fall in line - otherwise they will be brought to Justice.INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC): "Situation in Ukraine: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova". Hence Putin must be brought to Justice for war crimes. / Российская ФедерацияALJAZEERA: "As Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital is hit anger towards Russia rages" / GUARDIAN: ‘No words for this’: horror over Russian bombing of Kyiv children’s hospital" / Hence we encourage the People of Russia to topple the evil Putin regime.NOVAYA GAZETA: "Dead and a Lie" / By concealing the facts of war crimes in Ukraine Russia is using the same methods it did eight years ago. / Anna Politkovskaya: "It’s up to the Russians only to melt the political winter of Putin."RADIO LIBERTY: "Russian Nobel Laureates Warn Against Closure Of Memorial Rights Group" / We respectfully request Putin to resign. Otherwise he must arrested by the People and brought to Justice as stipulated by the International Criminal Court.GUARDIAN: "How Gorbachev’s political legacy was destroyed by Putin". Era of detente and arms control between Washington and Moscow has been replaced by a bloody war in Ukraine. / "Gorbachev's love-hate relationship with Putin"TIME: "Mikhail Gorbachev: Putin Is an Obstacle to Progress" / Indeed. Eventually Putin will have to be removed from office - either by his own volition - or by bringing him to Justice. In the words of Mikhail Gorbachev: "Life will sort everything out" :)GUARDIAN: "Yulia Navalnaya vows to continue husband Alexei’s fight and says Putin killed him" / The Putin regime is responsible for the killing of opposition leaders lawyers and journalists; such as Alexei Navalny Boris Nemtsov and Anna Politkovskaya.MOSCOW TIMES: "Alexei Navalny Wrote He Knew He Would Die in Prison in New Memoir". Putin is responsible for Navalny's death. Hence Putin must be brought to Justice. / Россия хочет быть счастливой! LEADER OF RUSSIA"The only thing we should fear is that we will surrender our homeland to be plundered by a gang of liars thieves and hypocrites [...] If your convictions mean something you must be prepared to stand up for them and make sacrifices if necessary."MEDIAZONA: “Russia must leave Ukraine alone and withdraw all of its troops.”" / Putin must be removed from office - either by his own volition - or by bringing him to Justice. In the words of Alexei Navalny: "Consistency for me is everything"GUARDIAN: "An apology is free: experts on the UK’s approach to slavery reparations" / As Leader of the UK and Commonwealth we apologise for Britain’s colonial past and slavery and order PM Keir Starmer to commit to reparatory Justice. / Mark - THE CROWNThe baseline for the UK government in addressing reparations should be the 10-point plan devised by Caricom which has asked for a formal apology and debt cancellation. / We support the 10-point plan for reparatory Justice 100%. / THE CROWNGUARDIAN: "Only one in 10 sexual assault survivors in England and Wales would report crime again survey shows" / "Henry VIII is a serial killer and abuser: why is Britain still so obsessed with the Tudors?" / The monarchy is part of misogyny in the UK.GUARDIAN: "Justin Welby to quit as archbishop of Canterbury over handling of abuse scandal" / BBC: "The abuse scandal that led to the archbishop's resignation" / Hence we will govern the Church of England until child abuse has stopped in the Church. IPAGUARDIAN: "Homeless people to be given cash in first major UK trial to reduce poverty" Led by King’s College London study will recruit 360 people in England and Wales to explore benefits of scheme. / Great! A step in the right direction. LL, Mark and KateIn a world of inequality and political corruption we should at least be assured that we will be able to feed clothe and handle the simplest needs of human beings. Hence it is imperative to implement a Universal Basic Income (UBI). THE CROWN / UN - POTUSTo end homelessness and poverty - and improve Healing, Health, Happiness and Harmony a UBI must be implemented - which can also be quite easily financed in the Global Community - as explained by Karl Widerquist's "Universal Basic Income".NB: Even the English need a push! On that note we order all party whips in Westminster - Charles III, Alan Campbell, Susan Williams, Lindsay, Roy Kennedy, Tony, John, Rebecca, Liz, Tess, Rishi, Kemi, Keir - to get everybody in line to implement a UBI.“The conditional programs inherently use poverty as a threat. That's Cruel. Shouldn't we be ashamed of ourselves?” - Karl Widerquist