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Healing the International Community - Improving Peace, Prosperity and Human Rights in the International Community

Healing the International Community - Improving Peace, Prosperity and Human Rights in the International Community

ByMark O'Doherty

REGARDING: We are calling on Putin to resign, so that a new president can restore Peace and International Law. Dear Vladimir Putin, On behalf of the Global Community and the People of Russia, we are writing to you to tender your resignation as president of Russia - since your are responsible for the killings and assassinations of Human Rights Activists, lawyers and critics of your oppressive regime - such as Alexei Navalny and Boris Nemtsov. In our opinion, you have been a good president for Russia up until your your illegal war on Ukraine - which has killed over 47,000 Russian troops; and has killed over 9,000 civilians in Ukraine, including 500 children. During your presidency you gave back a sense of purpose and pride to the Russian People, during a difficult time in Russia's history. Many People in Russia were grateful for that, and you will be remembered kindly for this achievement – provided that you resign as president of Russia with immediate effect. A Governmental Change in Russia is imperative to stop human capital flight - and to stop the killing of innocent civilians and children by the Putin regime. A continuation of Russia's illegal war in Ukraine would increasingly ruin Russia's reputation, and isolate the Russian People economically, socially and culturally – which is unnecessary and can be avoided, if Russia ends the war in Ukraine. This includes the withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine; and restoring Freedom of Speech, Press, Assembly and Association in Russia. It should also be noted that the peaceful transfer of power is part of a civilized and humane society. To avoid a power vacuum in the Russian Federation – and a violent revolution in Russia – the NGO BTB-Global Peacebuilding will be handling matters in Russia temporarily; such as domestic policy and foreign policy. We encourage our fellow Global Citizens in Russia to follow our Leadership, until the Putin regime has ended. This includes bringing Putin to Justice, as stipulated by the International Criminal Court (ICC) - so that Peace and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) can be restored in Russia and Ukraine. Love and Light / 老天保佑 / God Bless / نْ شَاءَ ٱلل לבריאות / خدا بیامرزد / Россия хочет быть счастливой! Peace Profound. Mark - BTB Global Peacebuilding. INTERNATIONAL PEACEBUILDING ALLIANCE (IPA) - UNITED NATIONS - Президент Российской Федерации - AU - EU - UK - POTUS - USAN - INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) - THE PENTAGON 2. April 2024


Publication Date
Jul 18, 2020
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Mark O'Doherty




Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)"John Lewis, US civil rights hero and Democratic congressman, dies at 80"Lewis helped Martin Luther King organise the March on Washington in 1963 and once suffered a broken skull at the hands of state troopersFormer president Barack Obama said Lewis “loved this country so much that he risked his life and his blood so that it might live up to its promise”."I was raped while working in the music industry. It must finally protect women"" ‘Like putting out a fire with a colander of water’: my life as an antisocial behaviour officer ""Our two greatest failures are drugs and mental health. Our current model sees criminal gangs making vast amounts of money, enforced with brutality and slave labour."Hence the UK government urgently needs to improve its public health policy so that mental health can be improved in the UK.Inequalities exposed by the coronavirus pandemic."UN chief slams 'myths, delusions and falsehoods' around inequality"“Now is the time for global leaders to decide: will we succumb to chaos, division and inequality? Or will we right the wrongs of the past and move forward together, for the good of all?To effectively combat the coronavirus in the world, the International Community should implement basic health insurance for all global citizens.The International Community must finally implement a global basic income guarantee to counteract inequality; and to avoid global citizens from filing for bankruptcy and losing their houses amid the coronavirus crisis."Alexei Navalny doctors refuse to let Putin critic leave Russia – aide"The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, joined the French president, Emmanuel Macron, in expressing concern over Navalny’s condition and said he could receive treatment in Germany or France.“I hope that he can recover and naturally whether it be in France or in Germany he can receive from us all the help and medical support needed”"Protests in Wisconsin after video appears to show police shooting black man in the back"Tony Evers, Governor of Wisconsin: “We stand with all those who have and continue to demand justice, equity, and accountability for black lives in our country"The Times of Israel: 'Listen to the voices of survivors'"Israeli envoy to Polish senate amid Holocaust row: Restitution law harms rights" / Charge d’affaires says proposed bill is bad for Jews and others; critics say it could block Jewish heirs from claiming property left during Holocaust"David Mermelstein, Holocaust survivor and restitution champion, dies at 92" / Founder of the Holocaust Survivors of Miami-Dade County became a national advocate for survivors and testified before CongressThe Guardian / Human Interest in Sun Valley: "What happens at Sun Valley, the secret gathering of unelected billionaire Kings?" / We are developing a private class of billionaire kings whose will is omnipotent and untouchable by any democratic forceEverything that happens at Sun Valley will contribute to the ability of attendees like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Mike Bloomberg to increase their society-warping fortunes.They and their fellow billionaires got more than 50% richer during the pandemic year, by doing absolutely nothing but sitting back and watching their capital grow as millions around the world suffered and died.KYIV POST: "Defense Minister Reznikov: ‘Russia has Advantage in Sea and Air’ " / The intensity of fighting has temporarily dropped due to Russia’s heavy losses in trying to occupy the country. “Russian troops will be severely rebuffed everywhere."KYIV POST: "Dispatch: ‘Day by day Kharkiv is becoming more like a ghost city’ " / "German Prosecutors Launch Probe Into Russian War Crimes In Ukraine" / "Hundreds Attend Protests, Events Across UK Against Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine"THE GUARDIAN: "Ukraine-Russia crisis: ‘I left my husband behind at the border. My heart is broken’ " / "Two children among at least 21 killed in Sumy airstrikes, officials say" / "A no-fly zone means Nato shooting down Russian jets. We must not do that"HEUTE: "Russland bricht Feuerpause – Fluchtroute beschossen" / "So schützt sich Putin vor Attentaten auf sein Leben." / Derzeit ist der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin vermutlich der meistgehasste Mensch der Welt.Hence we recommend that Vladimir Putin resigns from his office as Russian president, so that peace and stability can be restored in Russia and the International Community. Otherwise Russia may well experience another violent revolution, God forbid.Also, the peaceful transfer of power is part of a civilised and cultivated society. So perhaps Vladimir Putin's closest friends - such as Valery Gerasimov and Sergei Shoigu - can encourage Vladimir Putin to resign with dignity and grace.CNN: "Local politicians team up to challenge Russian President Vladimir Putin" / Russia’s military failures in its war with Ukraine are stirring new opposition to Vladimir Putin according to two local politicians who are taking a stand against him.NEWSWEEK: "Putin Makes Rare Security Council Appearance Amid Failing Russian Offensive" / Vladimir Putin has made a rare in-person appearance at a meeting of his Security Council amid a failing offensive in Ukraine. Good for Putin :)I am not convinced though that the whole thing is authentic. As things stand, he could just as well be indisposed or even dead - replaced by a fake guy - the remaining people of the Putin regime unwilling to relinquish power.So the sooner the majority of the Russian people come over to our side - the side of Peace Goodness, Liberty and Freedom - the better. So that Russia can once again be the great nation She is destined to be - by making Peace with the world :)HEALING UKRAINE AND RUSSIA - RESTORING THE UDHR AND UNCRC IN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE / ALARABIYA NEWS: "Moscow ready for peace talks amid ongoing Ukraine war: Russian ambassador to UK" / Great. But first Vladimir Putin must resign.GUARDIAN: "Angela Merkel says she lost influence over Putin as a lame duck leader" / Germany’s former chancellor defends her actions amid barrage of accusations since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. So we are very disappointed with Putin's bad behaviour :(Merkel also appeared to be loosely comparing her behaviour to that of Neville Chamberlain the British prime minister associated with the flawed policy of appeasement towards Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.GMX: "Türkis-Grün ist für Jean-Claude Juncker "keine Regierung mehr" / Ex-EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker teilt in einem Interview gegen die österreichische Regierung aus. / Juncker über Putin: "Eigentlich sehr gemocht"Juncker sprach in dem Interview auch ausführlich über seine politische und persönliche Beziehung mit Kreml-Chef Wladimir Putin den er "eigentlich sehr gemocht" habe. "Ich war felsenfest davon überzeugt dass dieser Krieg nicht stattfinden wird."Nun ist Juncker der Meinung dass es mit dem russischen Machthaber keinen Frieden geben könne. "Ich glaube mit der Person Putin kann man das nicht. Vielleicht in die Wege leiten aber nicht abschließen."So the problem is nobody trusts Vladimir Putin anymore. So nobody will make any deals with Putin anymore. Period. That is the reality of the situation - which the People of Russia will have to come to terms with; including the kremlin.Hence we are expecting our colleagues in Russia to make Peace with Ukraine - and uphold the Legacy of Peace of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin - by making Vladimir Putin resign from office; which is a prerequisite for Peace Talks.We encourage our friends in the GRU and FSB to work together with the' Вооружённые си́лы Росси́йской Федера́ции' to implement a peaceful governmental transition in Russia. Love and Light / Президент Российской Федерации / POTUS / The Crown - MarkNOVAYA GAZETA: "Yandex founder Arkady Volozh denounces Russia’s barbaric invasion of Ukraine" / MOSCOW TIMES: "Russia Targets Activists’ Families as Efforts to Muzzle Dissent Spread" / Hence we must come to the Negotiation Table and make Peace.NOVAYA GAZETA: "Evil rationalised" / "Everyone’s sentence is the same; as long as Putin is in power" / CNN: Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny slams Russia’s corrupt elite for bringing Putin to power". Hence Russia should follow our Leadership - POTUS /MarkGUARDIAN: "Twenty years of ruthlessness: how Russia has silenced Putin’s opponents" / NOVAYA GAZETA: "Instead to kill they make you ill.” Former OPCW lab head on the new wave of poisonings of Russian activists and journalists abroad.INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC): "Situation in Ukraine: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova" / Mr Vladimir Putin is allegedly responsible for the war crimes.It should also be noted that the borders of both Ukraine and Russia have been internationally recognized and defined in 1991 - with Russia's First President Boris Yeltsin recognizing Ukraine's independence. Hence Russia should honour this agreement.We encourage the Russian People to implement a governmental change and bring Vladimir Putin to Justice - so that International Law can be restored. Love and Light / Президент Российской Федерации - INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT - UNITED NATIONS / MarkNB: To this very day we still have not received any payment or remittance for our Human Rights Work which we have conducted now for 10 years - the EU government being responsible for not making essential funds available to us. This must change.

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