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Healing the Religions of the World - Upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism

Healing the Religions of the World - Upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism

ByMark O'Doherty

Dear All, We stand with the People of Ukraine and Russia who do not want this war. Putin’s invasion is not just an attack on Ukraine. It is an attack on Freedom. An attack on Democracy. An attack on Truth. The Global Community holds the Putin’s regime in Moscow and its associates, cheerleaders and supporters to account by imposing far-reaching sanctions, and bringing evildoers in the Putin regime to Justice. In the face of fear, choose Courage. In the face of division, choose Unity. And in the face of aggression, choose Peace. This war is not supported by the People of Russia. The war is the act of a criminal regime, riven with insecurity about democracy because it fears the judgment of its own People. That is why Putin is brutally cracking down on brave Russians taking to the streets to protest this war. It’s why he’s dedicated to spreading lies all over the world. And it’s why he’s willing to kill People in Ukraine, to prevent a flourishing Democracy. It’s time to stand with the People of Ukraine, defend Truth, Freedom and the Right of People everywhere to Self-Determination. Our movement has stood up for People caught up in horrific wars time and time again. But serious as the threat to Ukraine’s People is, this is about more than one country. It is about defending Truth, Democracy and Freedom, standing up to naked aggression and warmongering, and manifesting Peace and Prosperity in the Global Community. With Hope and Determination, Your AVAAZ TEAM NB: We order the Kremlin to cooperate with UN Chief António Guterres and honor the sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders. The Global Community authorizes the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation/Вооружённые си́лы Росси́йской Федера́ции to arrest Mr. Putin and his henchmen, who are responsible for crimes against Humanity. On that note, we welcome all People in Russia into our Global Community of Peace and Harmony. Love and Light☦ / Россия хочет быть счастливой! / Peace Profound. Mark, Heidi, Thomas - INTERNATIONAL PEACEBUILDING ALLIANCE / LEADER OF SWITZERLAND - POTUS - EFTA - THE CROWN - AMORC☦- Российская Федерация - HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH - LEADER OF RUSSIA AND AMERICA - THE PENTAGON - AVAAZ - AU/EU/UK - ICAN - LEADER OF THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY - AMNESTY PS: As Leader of the Global Community we order the UBS Group AG to confiscate all funds of the Kremlin - until the Putin regime ends and Peace has been restored.


Publication Date
Feb 14, 2021
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Mark O'Doherty




Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)Article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiersArticle 20: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.Freedom of association is guaranteed by international law, including articles 20 and 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 22 of International Covenant on Civil and Political RightsConvention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) - The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) has been ratified or acceded to by 189 statesSexual and reproductive health care is a human right because without the ability to decide whether, when and how many children to have, women and girls face a future with fewer opportunities for education, financial stability and overall well-being."Global Justice Center - Human Rights Through Rule of Law"United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) - The UNCRC consists of 54 articles that set out children’s rights and how governments should work together to make them available to all children.Under the terms of the convention, governments are required to meet children’s basic needs and help them reach their full potential. Central to this is the acknowledgment that every child has basic fundamental rights.Since it was adopted by the United Nations in November 1989, 196 countries have signed up to the UNCRC. All countries that sign up to the UNCRC are bound by international law to ensure it is implemented."Navalny supporters to defy Kremlin with candelit protests" / People set to gather in courtyards across Russia despite authorities warning they could face arrestThis includes restoring and upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in RussiaIn particular Article 21 of the UDHR: Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.KYIV POST: "The Girl With the Pink Hair Remembered" / "Ukrainian President Makes Historic Speech in Munich" / "Zelensky: Crucial moment has come to decide on Ukraine’s membership in EU" / "Polish PM Slams German, Western Egoism"TIMES OF ISRAEL: "Lapid: Israel to support UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russia" / "UN: Over 500,000 people have fled Ukraine since Russia invaded" / "Why Israel must stand squarely with Ukraine" / ‘Russia out, down with Putin!'GUARDIAN: "Russian reporters in Ukraine: ‘Every day I see dead and injured’ / A group of independent Russian reporters are in Ukraine and attempting to break the Kremlin’s stranglehold on information."CNN: 'I was absolutely convinced I was going to die:' Journalists share firsthand account of ambush in Ukraine / "Veteran cameraman and Ukrainian journalist killed near Kyiv" / WINDOBI: "Russian journalist Oksana Baulina killed in Kyiv shelling"MOSCOW TIMES: ‘The Dots Were All There. We Just Couldn’t Connect Them / Fearful Advisers Mislead Putin on Ukraine War/ GUARDIAN: "Red is dead: Russian anti-war protesters fly a new flag for peace" / KYIV POST: The Color Green.MIRROR: Top Russian ballerina speaks out saying she's ashamed of Putin's invasion of Ukraine" / Olga Smirnova published an emotional post saying she is opposed to Russia's invasion of Ukraine where she has family and friends.THE GUARDIAN: " ‘I couldn’t keep it inside’: ballet star Olga Smirnova on quitting the Bolshoi and fleeing Russia" / After Putin invaded Ukraine, the Russian dancer denounced the war, left the Kremlin-allied company – and flew out of Moscow.GUARDIAN: "Ukrainian journalist killed by Russian snipers in ambush near Kherson" / The killing of journalists and reporters in both Ukraine and Russia must stop. It is imperative that Freedom of Press is restored in Russia and Ukraine. Period.MOSCOW TIMES: "South Africa Warns Putin Could Face Arrest While Attending BRICS Summit" / "ICC Issues Arrest Warrant For Putin Over Alleged Ukraine War Crimes". Hence the Kremlin should comply with the ICC Arrest Warrant and arrest Vladimir Putin.MOSCOW TIMES: "A Future Allied to China and India Is Wishful Thinking on the Kremlin's Part" / "ICC Arrest Warrant for Putin Sparks Nervousness in Russian Elite". Hence my dear friend Vladimir Putin should resign now - to slavage and save Russia's honour.It should also be noted that Peace and Harmony between Russia and the EU will be restored - in particular cultural and economic relations - as the bond of Love and Friendship will remain between Russia and Europe forever.CNN: "Ursula von der Leyen speaks to CNN about G7 summit support for Ukraine" / KYIV POST: "OPINION: Russia's Global Genocide" / MOSCOW TIMES: "Senior Russian Official Dies After Privately Bemoaning ‘Fascist’ Invasion"GUARDIAN: "Russia ‘mocks the UN’ with Ukraine invasion Penny Wong tells general assembly in New York" / Australian foreign minister says security council must be more representative or risk becoming an ‘anachronism’.TAGESANZEIGER: «Da wurde mir dieser Wahnsinn bewusst: Dass Kinder getötet werden» Luzia Tschirky war Korrespondentin für Russland die Ukraine Belarus und den Kaukasus. / To stop the killing of Children, Putin must be brought to Justice by the ICC.KYIV INDEPENDENT: "Author of famous Azovstal photos on documenting Ukraine’s iron resistance in Mariupol" / Dmytro showed the world what it was like to survive in the place Russian troops relentlessly attacked in the early days of the full-scale invasion."I Love Russia" by Elena Kostyuchenko / Examining the enormous social challenges in Russia this book is a vital breakthrough to manifest Human Rights, Freedom of Speech and Happiness in Russia. My comrades in the Kremlin should read it :)As Leader of the Swiss Confederation we award the Pink Heart and Pink Cross to the following Swiss People for their great courage: Jona Neidhart Viktor Rossi, Sergio Ermotti, Roger Federer, Walter Thurnherr, Eric Nussbaumer and posthumously Bruno Ganz."Mafia State: how one reporter became an enemy of the brutal new Russia" By Luke Harding / Good book by my mate Luke Harding. Andrey Belousov, Mikhail Mishustin, Valery Gerasimov, ex-president Putin and the Kremlin should read it :)TA: "Bundesrat lässt gegen russischen Agenten ermitteln" / Die Bundesanwaltschaft darf gegen einen Diplomaten vorgehen der in Bern stationiert war. Die NGO BTB-Global Peacebuilding gibt grünes Licht um das Putin regime und den Krieg zu beenden.NZZ: "Russlands Botschaft lautet: Keiner ist sicher" sagt der frühere deutsche BND-Mitarbeiter Gerhard Conrad / BLICK: "Der Kreml löscht die Wahrheit aus Wikipedia" / As Leader of Russia we order the Kremlin to stop this nonsense. Российская ФедерацияIt should also be noted that the borders of both Ukraine and Russia have been internationally recognized and defined in 1991 - with Russia's First President Boris Yeltsin recognizing Ukraine's independence. Hence Russia should honour this agreement.NB: As Leader of the Global Community we order a Ceasefire in Gaza and the arrest of war criminals Benjamin NETANYAHU Yahya SINWAR Vladimir PUTIN, Sergei SHOIGU, Valery GERASIMOV; as stipulated by the International Criminal Court.NB: We order the Russian Armed Forces to end the Putin regime and bring evildoers to Justice; so that Peace Human Rights and International Law can be restored. Love and Light, M. / IPA - Российская Федерация - AMORC☦ - ICC - FIS - GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOODALARABIYA NEWS: "Nestle shares fall after CEO’s surprise departure" / FAZ: "Nach acht Jahren als CEO des Nahrungsmittelriesen Nestlé tritt Mark Schneider überraschend zurück" / We commend Mark for his great service to our country :) LEADER OF SWITZERLANDHEUTE: "Gefährliche Kleider! Bei Heidi darf nichts verrutschen" / "Trennung! Michelle Hunziker soll wieder solo sein" / As Leader of the Global Community we award the Pink Heart to my girls Heidi and Michelle. Keep up the good work :) Love and Light MarkGUARDIAN: "Surgery shame and self-erasure: four female writers on the tyranny of impossible beauty standards" / Listen ladies the solution lies in renouncing negative mainstream stuff - and adopting a more mystic, spiritual and adventurous mind-set :)PS: I am offering my services as counsellor to Heidi and other celebrities. So if you need some psychological support - or wish to talk about other cool stuff - feel free to contact me :) PS: I also do Pro bono counseling online on X - if you need it :)NB: I am offering my services as counsellor to Viktor Rossi, Olaf Scholz and other politicians. So if you need some psychological support - or wish to talk about other important things - feel free to contact me. / Mark - LEADER OF THE GLOBAL COMMUNITYGUARDIAN: "Can breast implants make you sick?" An autoimmune dysfunction known as breast implant illness has gained traction. / NB: Breasts are very delicate and complex organs; so our advice is to mess with 'em as little as possible. Mark and Heidi POTUSUNITED NATIONS / Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."MEDIAZONA: “Russia must leave Ukraine alone and withdraw all of its troops.” / Alexei Navalny published his anti-war political platform which he called “15 theses of a Russian citizen who desires the best for their country.”INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC): "Situation in Ukraine: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova". Hence Putin must be brought to Justice for war crimes. / Российская ФедерацияThe International Peacebuilding Alliance (IPA) will govern Russia temporalily until Freedom of Speech and Human Rights (UDHR) have been restored including an end to corruption and electoral fraud. / IPA - Российская Федерация - AMORC☦We offer an Amnesty to collaborateurs of the Putin regime if they contribute to end the corrupt Putin regime - to prevent further loss of Life and to restore International Law the UDHR and Freedom of Speech. IPA - Президент Российской ФедерацииNB: We order the Russian Armed Forces to end the Putin regime and bring evildoers to Justice; so that Peace Human Rights and International Law can be restored. Love and Light M. / IPA - Российская Федерация - AMORC☦ - ICC - EU/UK - GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOODWe are implementing the operation Let there be Peace - ordering FM Thomas Süssli to sink Putin's shadow fleet - until our friend Vladimir Putin has been brought to Justice - or resigns; making way for a Russian president who abides by the UN Charter. IPA☦

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