Telemark Journal germinated as an idea gleaned from the long-running tradition of mountaineering and adventure travel literature. It is something to look up to, this history of putting into words something as awesome as the mountains, and how we move through them. Our hope is this semi-annual Telemark Journal will sit proudly in your bookshelf. Something to come back to, and something to reflect on over the years. We hope the Journal takes a spot right next to your epic tomes that explore the paths to overcoming hardship leading to greatness. It’s all about the passion. Telemarkers have passion in spades. We hope to grow the Journal within the telemark community, as we grow, and ski, and pursue exploration throughout our wonderful world. This Journal aspires to be global. One that describes places and mountains of the world through the voices of international writers passionate about all aspects of fulfillment while gliding on telemark skis. Articles will appear in the original written language. We have made a big effort to translate all stories into English and Italian. Half yearly? This is a big commitment and we can only succeed if we are able to attract quality editorial materials. This in turn will attract other skiers/writers/photographers. The more readers and writers, the more articles, leading, like an ever-growing downhill snowball, to new open-minded ideas and exploration. Please help us spread the news of Telemark Journal to your community. And most of all, we urge you to contribute: stories, photos, your experiences in telemark, at home, or throughout the world. From the tradition of old time exploration journals and books… We move forward with you… Thank you! Please send your articles, paintings, photos to Luca Gasparini at: [email protected]
- Publication Date
- Mar 1, 2021
- Language
- English
- Category
- Sports
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- Editor-in-chief: Luca Gasparini, Edited by: Bob Mazarei, Cover design or artwork by: Mark Shapiro
- Format