We buy insurance for our homes in case they are destroyed by fire; we buy insurance for our cars in case we are in an accident, and yet, most people won’t discuss their own death, let alone plan for it. According to statistics from the National Center for Health, almost 2.4 million Americans died in 2006. How many of those people had the opportunity to put their end of life decisions in writing, but didn’t?
Our mobile society allows for the dying patient to live in one state, and the next of kin, or personal representative, to live in another. This book provides a starting point for funeral planning regardless of the State of residency. Whether you are planning your funeral in one State, or the funeral of a loved one in another, this book will educate you on your rights, and prepare you for the decisions that lie ahead. This book will assist those consumers who have the foresight to plan, and therefore control, their own end of life decisions.
- Publication Date
- Sep 30, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Science & Medicine
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Martha L. Thayer
- Format