"The Girl Who Lived on the Moon" is the first book in the children's series themed around two young girls - one from earth, Emily, and one from the moon, Beam who meet, become friends, and share adventures throughout the universe with each other. The first book features both girls focusing on Beam. The original premise for the first book was told to Mary Alice by her father as a bedtime story. These are sweet, old fashioned stories that encourage children's imagination, caring about others, and curiosity about the world and how it works! The website, www.beamandemily.com, supports the books and the three tenants Mary Alice has always believed in Read - Learn - Play. This is a wonderful book to read to your child as well as to let them read to you! Mary Alice’s extensive travel throughout our world, as well as that of some of her readers, will be featured in the future adventures of Beam & Emily. Enjoy!
- Publication Date
- Oct 25, 2008
- Language
- English
- 9780557022250
- Category
- Children's
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Mary Alice Peaty
- Pages
- 44
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Color
- Dimensions
- Small Square (7.5 x 7.5 in / 190 x 190 mm)