Icon Painting Technique
a meditation and guide to egg tempera
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Mary Jane Miller discusses her Icon Painting technique, the history and meaning of icon painting. The How to book orients icon painters and examines why icons continue to be a spiritual tool. From a uniquely Western perspective, this step-by-step study of art and teaching of a practical course in Icon Painting technique. The religion and spirituality of this technique brings to life the sacred and beautiful art of egg tempera painting. Included are egg tempera recipe guides and patterns to work from.
Beginners, intermediate, and advanced iconographers will all find new insights.With in-depth information, invaluable advice, and superb illustrations of each step, this is a most comprehensive guide to the philosophy and practice of icon painting.
In addition, this Icon Painting technique book can be read as a step-by-step guide of how to create your own icon. The 12-step sequence put forth here is a guideline or road map for the process from vision to creation. However, while easy to follow detailed instructions about technique and materials are provided, my main objective is to emphasize the mystical experience of the process itself, bringing the the Icon Painting technique to a better understanding of the two natures of Christ – flesh and spirit.
Details ; Looking at Icons Revealed, One Secret Prayer Method, Brief History of Iconography, Organic Egg Tempera, Icon of St Luke, Overview of How to Paint Icons, Wood, Linen, Gesso and Gold, First lines, Chaos of Color, Second lines, Highlights and Veils, Final Lines, Analysis of Icon Images, Mixing Paint for Lettering, Prayers for an Iconographer
Egg Temepra and Earth Pigments 41
Rules for the Iconographer 42
- Publication Date
- Jun 3, 2013
- Language
- English
- 9781304045782
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Mary Jane Miller
- Pages
- 46
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Color
- Dimensions
- Square (8.5 x 8.5 in / 216 x 216 mm)
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