Dying is Easy
The Matthew Thompson Dalldorf Anthology
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Explicit Content
GASP! As an unknown sickness drives a man into madness in--Coffin
SWEAT! As a hanging judge in 19th century Colorado falls prey to his own stringent sense of morality in--Sweetwater Justice.
WEEP! As you read of soul crushing hopelessness and existential agony in the hilarious--Birth is a Life Sentence.
CRINGE! As an Asian woman with a fetish for Caucasian men meets an Caucasian man with a fetish for Asian women meet an insensitively irreverent narrator in--The Carnal Craving of Connie Kiew.
SHUDDER! As one pervert's search for violent pornography leads him straight into the jaws of poetic justice in--Degenerate's Nightmare SCRATCH! Your head in confusion as you struggle to decipher the mock-New Jersey dialect used in--Da Dream.
BECOME ANNOYED! As a puppy walks acrossmy keybpard and fhalsildslfmdmq0i
You will experience all this and more when you read Dying is Easy; the NEWSET, GREATEST and FIRST anthology book from Matthew T. Dalldorf (that's me)! And as a bonus, each story comes with its own introduction where I alternate between filling you in on the inspirations, challenges, rewards behind writing each stunning piece, and just rambling about whatever the hell I feel like.
Dying is Easy--If you don't read it, you're probably not interested.
- Publication Date
- Jan 25, 2021
- Language
- English
- 9781716220517
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- Creative Commons ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
- Contributors
- By (author): Matthew Dalldorf
- Pages
- 154
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- US Letter (8.5 x 11 in / 216 x 279 mm)
satirehorrorabsirdityirreventsardonicsarcasticgoreblack-humorviolencecynicismabsurismtruth tellingsocial critcismvulgarityshock humornihilismsocial satireabsurd humorfrustrationanti conformityanthologygallows humorhoplessnessdepressionangerlampoonmockeryburlesquebad tastecrude humormorbidbitternessa bold or more accurately fool-hardy affront to god the universe and the natural order of the author's own existence